PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for KitkatKK2 (page 21)

As soon as it’s dark enough i’ll get on to ch 10
May 24, 2021 by Dyla N
Got it! I’ll do Sushi roller tonight (not the  official  Title)
May 24, 2021 by Dyla N
OK then, I’ll work on it soon  I guess it’ll be up to you which one I don’t work on tonight either this one or the new one
May 24, 2021 by Dyla N
Pkay thanks! When i buy it i don’t read the names. What do you think of him showing up? It would be a way to learn about kahuna’s alyhough he might scare the MC gang well not Alex she dosen’t scare easy.
May 24, 2021 by Dyla N
Of course i’ll stay it’s  sushi time! Oh hey maybe Nani will show up and buy sushi for everyone. Two questions what’s the dish called that he pays for once a day post game? and how does your girl like him? (Yes i’m blanking out on her name Casey? It’s not personal i just have about 20 stories going.)
May 24, 2021 by Dyla N

Chapter 3

“Nit your average meet and greet.”

“C’mon Ro, let’s see who our uninvited gust is.” Kay said as they looked up at me from ground  level. “Uhm i’m good” i said unable to jide the slight quaver in my voice. “He can’t hurt you he’s asleep.” Kay countered i hated it when they were right... “oh, alright i-i guess” i said and fluttered down to hover next to them.  Of course that’s when the stranger chose to come to. Up close he wasn’t much different in age from Kay and me, he had chin-length black hair and dark skin. He was dressed in a red tee, black jean-jacket, black skinny jeans and a red sneakers. His wings were also black. “Ow what happened?” He asked no one in particular and looked over at Kay and me. “Hello there.” He said sounding surprisingly cheerful after being essentially drugged. He stood, cringing some as he did. “I’m Alex and who are you two? Sisters?” Kay immediately glared at Alex “i’m not a girl!” They practically spat at him, “okay brother and sister?” Alex asked “not a boy either” Kay corrected albeit more gently this time. “If you aren’t a girl or boy what the heck ARE you?” I could tell Kay was already
Unimpressed with Alex but they sighed and pulled their hands into the sleeves of their hoodie and started fidgeting. “I’m Agender it means...it means i don’t identify either way essentially i’m neither boy nor Arceus forbid, a girl.” Alex looked confused but nodded like he tot-tally understood. “Oh and you can use “they” and “them” pronouns”  Kay added they also added “but my names Kay” “okay Kay” Alex said winking at me. I buried my face in my hands Kay probably wasn’t finding him funny. Then Alex looked directly at me. “So...what’s your story? Are you like both boy and girl?” kay answered for me “no feather-brain she’s a she and her names Rozella.”  Ignoring Kay Alex asked “so us weird i mean calling someone “they?” I finally unburied my face “no it’s pretty normal for me.” “Eh” was his only response. “Oh boy” i thought “this will go well” outlaid i said. “Alex how long have you been an infused?” He started “a what now?” Kay replied “unless you born with wings you are one pf the infused, like Rozella and me.” For some reason Alex butst into maniacal laughter “yeah right you are TOTALLY PART pokemon, a flower clip doesn’t count, now i’m willing to Bellevue Rozella may be infused but    Nit you.” “Oh no@ was my only thought before Kay got  an indignant look her face, Alex wouldn’t know how much he’d hurt Kay, she’d been forcibly infused with Lilligant’s DNA and that was where the flower had come from. It’d far to complicated to explain Kay’s situation to a stranger but i could tell my story. “Actually Alex we are Infusef, i got Surskit DNA but as you see, i’ve sorta evolved now the DNA us Masquerain  so i have wings. I was infused about a year or so ago and it saved my life.” I had only ever told Kay that story and when i’d told them they’d said how ironic it was that we were friends.  Alex simply said “2 werks ago i was infused with Murkrow DNA and three days later my mom died from blight. I heard Kay suck in a breath, their mom had been the driving force  that made them who they were now, so mothers was a sensitive topic. Surprising Me Kay grabbed my arm and whispered “can we go?” I whispered back “ you were the one who wanted to talk to him, not me.” And then Kay dragged me away leaving Alex behind.
May 24, 2021 by Dyla N
OK then I thought I had replied do you want your wall but instead it was on my wall anyway ...

  I think that’s a great idea and it would be kind of funny to LOL
May 23, 2021 by Dyla N
1.) Joltik
2.) Porygon-Z and Roserade
3.) Dratini
4.) Fwoofy
5.) Love Ball
6.) Crabominable (Ice/Fighting)
7.) Melemele
May 23, 2021 by Jasone Anderson
And I don’t remember saying that LOL
 And I like that idea  could be funny if Alex started calling them a he  although I’m assuming that they would get rather annoyed eventually  I quite enjoyed a little bit where she was sleep powder on him LOL  also, was I correct in assuming that it was just the second part that she didn’t like using ?
May 23, 2021 by Dyla N
I know present chapter 2

Chapter 2

“The bugs and the flowers...no really.
Kay and Rozella

“Ahh!” I screamed as i tumbled onto ashy sand, sending a cloud of it in Kay’s face. “Pfft,” Kay coughed as the sand setteled around them. And yes Kay was “them” they didn’t identify boy or girl even though they had a flower growing out of their hair. “Sorry Kay”  i said sheepishly they shook their head vigorously to get the ash off. “It’s fine Rozella but you better start improving your flying the less of the ground you  touch the better.” They had a point supposedly a while back it was natural to stand or walk directly on the ground but nowadays it was risky  regardless  if we had shoes. The ground was either blighted or aesthetic and burned humans. “I know you’re right Kay but i JUST got these wings  it’ll take a while.” They just rolled their eyes at me saying “okay whatever but  you’ll be the one sickening this tome.” I groaned “don’t remind me.” I had met Kay a while back but then i’d (incorrectly) assumed they were a “she” not that i cared but it’d caught my interest, seeing someone like another one of the “infused.” We were called “infused” because we had pokemon DNA infusions (Surskit in my case and apparently Lilligant in Kay’s) i’d heard rumors there were survivors like myself but had never met one. I’d been minding my own Business when i’d heard a scream! I ran as fast as Possible and saw Kay being dragged backward into an aesthetic area dispute my enhanced speed i was too slow and Kay was dragged all the way, surprising myself as well as Kay and her captor i shouted “let her go!” And they did, but i had to pull Kay to safety and that was when they’d educated me “i,,.am not..,a she....just call me them or they.” Which i thought at the time was an odd thanks not that i’d expected a thanks but still. For a few days Kay had been ill and i tried to help her likely i was successful. Now we were friends. “Hello Ro?” I jumped in surprise at my name of course ht was just Kay they were  watching me with interest when i realuzed, i was flying! “About tome you nit-iced.” They said and i attempted to move right and left  then up and down. “Ah-ha i’m flying! Look Kay!” They smiled “i see” just then i heard “look out!” I spun in midair only to get knocked over into the ash. “Ahhh!” I screamed fir the second time  in 2” mounts. Without looking i flew away Kay following me and looking nervous. I flew up a tall tree and Kay climbed up behind me. We were both panting heavily. As we looked down we saw a boy with black feathered wings who was cringing in pain “oww my wing.” I would’ve laughed if one, i wasn’t terrified and two his right bird wing , which appeared to be attached, wasn’t askew. Kay bumped my leg with theirs “i git this” they whispered as gray fluff fell from her flower and the stranger fell asleep. “Vut i thur i thought-“ i started to ask, as far as i knew Kay  didn’t care to use her flower. “That was Sleep Powder nit the stupid scent thing.” They interrupted me. “Oh” was my only reaction “well let’s go see...” i whisper-whined . “ definitely“ Kay agreed. “ I was really hoping you would disagree“ i muttered but they were already gone.
May 23, 2021 by Dyla N