PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for KitkatKK2 (page 29)

Yes! That’s perfect! It probably won’t be where the dragon is yet i was thinkinv of three riddles buut i’m not to the point where i lnow where the others will lead. Thanks! You’re a book-saver! Oh and imma out the  prologue  Up for the new fic ut just sortajapoened i’m callibg it “The Silent Performer” which is a working title as i’m hoping to get a better name idea if your intrested lemme lnow what you think! (I for one am most proud of this  prologue )
Jan 6, 2021 by Dyla N
Pkay’ i’m thinking a lame or pond there wasn’t one  originally  In Casteele but it’ll be on route 1 (tries to remember what the next city was before Sunblaze kr whatever i called the first town with a gym XD) and not huge maybe three lines and  moderately  Hard i  want ut to take a little time XD this won’t be the only riddle either i eant to lead to the route 1 pond/lake and there will be anither one. And no this still isn’t Pokemon it just takes place in a nob-pokemon version of Casteele.
Jan 6, 2021 by Dyla N

By Monday i had almost deciphered the Runes from the cave. Normally I loved school but at the moment I wanted to be researching dragons not Casteele’s war history...there wasn’t much to it though so I guess i’ll survive. Evren, sadly, was back to his normal poplar self, claiming my party had been “lane.” At Bridgegare High there were two kinds of popular    Evren’s where you were adored and fawned over, and Skyla’s where everyone knew you and piked you for you, not your looks.  I was neither of these myself but i didn’t mind. By lunchtime I was seriously considering ditching but I knew Evren would tell our parents so i resisted for now. “Echo!’c’mon!” Skyla called over to me, her freebees, a couple girls I didn’t know, rolled their eyes from behind Skyla’s back. Most of Skyla’s friends didn’t like me because i was well different. I had butterscotch-blonde hair, that was fine, and lavender-blue eyes, also fine, what set me apart was that my eyes were “cat eyes” the pupils long and narrow rather than round. It made th nervous thigh i don’t know why. It didn’t help that i was rather vocal about my dragon beliefs. “Hello earth to Echo?” It was Skyla, “oh! Be right there!@ i didn’t miss it when the other girls made a hasty exit. When I finally got over to Skyla she was do you really waving “bye-bye!” She said sounding slightly to sweet. Turning back to me she let her carefree demeanor slip and she slouched toward.  “Um Sky? You okay?” I asked genuinely concerned. “Yeah i’m alright just had two tests and gym assessment no biggie.” I’m pretty sure she meant “i’m great just completely adjusted what else is new?” Skyla and I had been friends since the fourth grade when she saw me drawing fierce dragons instead of pretty princesses. She’d said “that’s a Wyvern right? I read a little about it in Merlin’s journal.” Since i was only ren then i hadn’t known it was a Wyvern but Skyla had been so matter-of-fact i’d said “yup” and “my many times great-grandfather was Ernest Drake a Dragonologist, i wanna be a Dragonologist too.” She’d grin-bed at that “my ancestor is Merlin the Wizard.” From then on we’d been, dare I say it, best friends. Back in the present thigh i cruised my arms at her “don’t lie Skyla White.” I told her. She rolled her eyes and said “alright alright so i’m not great but don’t worry.” I stared at her  wide-eyed “Skyla, i will always worry as long as you keep pushing yourself like this, just be careful.” She looked away from me. Alright maybe i’d been a but dramatic but I seriously wonder how long it’ll take  her tp realize i’ll always worry, i always have. The bell rang and puke she’d thrown on a mask. Popular Carder Skyla replaced series overworking Skyla instantly. “Bye-bye Echo!” She called happily. “Bye!” I waved back.
Jan 5, 2021 by Dyla N
Aww poor Sebastion that all has to stink first losimg then getting onjured. Funny how Evren was just sick in Heritage i thomk ch6 is my fave so far gee i’m not very nice if i piked him getting hurt XD i was just sayonv im chat last night that for me to really like sometjing it has to maje me feel emotipnz your fic is certainly doing that XD
Jan 5, 2021 by Dyla N
Chapter 6
The next day, I was walking through the forest absentmindedly, thinking about what Meg had said when I first met her. After my failure in the contest, I took it to heart. I was looking around for a Pokémon, though not very hard. Suddenly, I tripped. There had been a tree root in my path. I put my hand out to catch myself, but I was distracted by something that looked vaguely like a mushroom. Before I could take a second look, however, I had already passed out. When I woke up, the first thing I felt was a sharp pain in my right ankle. I looked down at it, and saw that it was bruised and purple and bent at a funny angle. I almost fainted again. I tried to stand up, but fell down because of the pain. I should have known that wouldn’t work. I looked around, trying to see if there was anything that could help me. I saw my blue bag about 4 feet away and reached out to grab it, but it was too far. Suddenly, a Pokémon approached me. A Foongus. This had been the “mushroom” that made me pass out! “Hey, Foongus!” It flinched like I was going to hit it. “No, it’s OK. Just, hand me that-that bag over there.” I said, on the brink of tears because of the pain. I pointed to the bag containing Froakie’s Pokeball, and it obliged. Even with me not moving my ankle, it felt like it was about to explode. I grabbed Froakie’s Pokeball and sent it out. I habitually grabbed my ankle in what would normally be a comfortable pose. Of course, I was hurt, so I winced in pain and removed my hand. Froakie seemed surprised and sad. “Froakie, go get help! There’s a Pokémon center just across the path over there. Nurse Joy should know what to do!” I said loudly. It nodded and ran off. “As for you, Foongus,” I said. “You tend to my wounds a bit. There should be a Super Potion in there somewhere. I have absolutely no idea if it will help, but it might.”
Jan 5, 2021 by KitkatKK2
Oh, what the heck!
Chapter 5
The next 2 minutes were the longest of my life. Waiting to get onto that stage, waiting to show off to all the people. I wasn’t scared, not in the slightest, nor was I greatly nervous. It was just pure excitement. Meg clenched her fists. I hadn’t noticed, but I was doing it too. I walked out onto the stage. I was in awe. The sheer amount of people. The lights. The princess key on a stand, its green heart glimmering. Suddenly, I was scared. I wanted to run. But I wouldn’t. I would try. I would win. Monsieur Pierre bowed toward us. “Well then, shall we begin?”  He tapped his staff to the ground. “GO!” I ran over to my station, and began baking the only thing I knew how to, with Froakie at my side. Chocolate chip cookies. Muscle memory took over. We measured, stirred, baked, cooled, maybe did a tiny little taste test. Time was up. I brought my cookies to the judging table. The other girls had made cupcakes and Pokepuffs. I hoped my taste held up, even if my presentation was... lacking. The judges tasted both others before mine, giving them high praise. Then they turned to me. “Cookies. Somewhat boring,” the head judge said. “But, let’s give them a taste, shall we?” Each judge had a cookie. They whispered to each other before turning back to me. “Enjoyable,” the head judge said. “However, it was presented rather dully, and presentation is the main factor here. And for that reason, the winner is... Emma White!” I was devastated. A loss. I had lost. I sulked back to the dressing room, ruining my nice clothes with tears. I ran back to my room in the Pokémon center, and changed into my regular clothes. I will do better next time. I promised myself. For now though, I needed some rest.
Jan 5, 2021 by KitkatKK2
Yay! Love ut!
Jan 5, 2021 by Dyla N
Oh look, another chapter! Chapters 5-7 will hopefully be coming tomorrow because ideas are a thing I have. I uh, also have chapter 6 written on a pastebin, so yeah.
Chapter 4
I expected weird looks, but not that many. I tried to ignore then as I walked up to the registration counter. I said “Hello! I’m here to register for the Pokémon showcase?” The receptionist looked at me like I was crazy, but then probably remembered  that boys were now allowed.
“Put your Pokédex on the terminal, and then you’re all set for tomorrow!” I did as she asked. “Some advice: get some fancier clothes. People are suckers for fancy things, and you’ll do badly without.” I nodded and left the building. The nearest clothing shop carried just what I needed. A plain black T-shirt, white pants, and a maroon formal jacket. I tried them, and lo and behold, they fit perfectly. The next day, I went back to the Showcase hall, already dressed in my Showcase clothes I had bought the day prior. I greeted the receptionist, and went into the dressing room, waiting anxiously for my turn. The theme for the first round had been announced to have been baking. I saw girls making Pokepuffs, girls making cupcakes, girls making literal pies. What I didn’t see, was boys. Suddenly, I noticed a familiar head of brown hair.
“Meg!” I called out. She looked over. She was wearing a white Grecian dress, with a tan strap. She had Bunnelby by her side. It, oddly, scowled at me.
“Oh. You’re that boy I met the other day. I didn’t catch your name.”
“Ok, great! I hope-“ She was interrupted by a voice on the loudspeaker.
“Could Sebastian Line, Megana Clarke, and Emma White please come up? You’re next!”
“That’s us!” Meg smiled, and I swore I saw her blush. I was still in the dark about what she hoped. No time to think about that now! I was up!
Jan 5, 2021 by KitkatKK2
Chapter 3
Later that week, I was at the Pokémon center watching TV while Nurse Joy healed Froakie. I was thinking more about my routine than what was happening on the TV, so I went to grab the remote to turn it off, when I heard Monsieur Pierre’s voice. I put the remote down and focused on the TV. “Hello! I have a wonderful announcement to make! The new Rookie Class Pokémon Showcases are beginning! Our first one will be in Coumarine City! For all the wonderful Pokémon performers out there, I’ll say it again! Coumarine City! I hope to see you there!” I nodded to myself and grabbed my bag. Coincidentally, at that moment, Nurse Joy called me to the table.
“Sebastian? Your Pokémon is ready to go!” I ran up to the desk and quickly snatched Froakie’s Pokeball. I thanked her and ran off. Coumarine City was my next destination. It was noon right now, and the closest Pokémon center would be in Lumiose City, then it would be an hours walk down route 13 to Coumarine city. I could be there by 3:00 if I hurried, and the Showcase wasn’t till tomorrow! So I went. Not much happened while I was on the road. I rested at the Pokémon center in the north of Lumiose city, and got to Coumarine City. I ran over to the Showcase building to register, steeled my nerves, and stepped inside
Jan 5, 2021 by KitkatKK2
Sorry that my fic just covered ykurs um j ca. Not post it here uf you rather i didn’t
Jan 5, 2021 by Dyla N