PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for LeDragónTamer (page 12)

Aug 28, 2013 by Aeternis
Lol. Okay.
Aug 28, 2013 by Adam.
Hi X-Char :D
I was just wondering if you could come on chat more often. I know it's your choice and all and I am not obliging you to come and you don't have to if it isn't what you desire but I just thought chat would be more fun with an extra good member :)
Aug 28, 2013 by Aeternis
Yeah, sorry, I didn't read that part :3
Aug 27, 2013 by Adam.
Oh yeah. I didn't know you liked Haxorus xD
Aug 27, 2013 by Adam.
Nice battle mate! Were you "ILoveHaxorus"?
Aug 27, 2013 by Adam.
My team on the RMT but rain style
Aug 27, 2013 by LeDragónTamer
Yeah...I kinda' do :3 Lol...And hi !!!
Aug 27, 2013 by Adam.
I don't want school to start! :'(
Aug 27, 2013 by LeDragónTamer
lol no it's not your fault, it's everybody who has posted a thread, not you alone. Bare in mind I never said they're bad, I just think they should be cut down a bit :)
Aug 27, 2013 by Flare