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Wall for Sassy_Little_Mawile (page 8)

My team i put so much effort into wiped out u really r good and a promise is a promise so i will get u the phione but i truly will be better next time and i will show im not weak and that and i will show any of my opponents im not one to mess with though it was because of u that i want to get better as a player because if i wouldnt have battled u i would never have learnt that its not about power its about how ur team works together (wow now im rambling sorry)but anyway see ya next time
Jan 7, 2014 by Lorna Shore
oh well i dont feellike copyingthem again....my drawingzover the past 2 monthzVVVV
Jan 7, 2014 by Sassy_Little_Mawile
oopz wrong area XD
Jan 7, 2014 by Sassy_Little_Mawile
:l l:
Jan 7, 2014 by Pahff
Hi, Sassy Mawile!! Oh... my.. gosh.. I think you're super cool! Also, you're really nice to me! Haha, Our favorite Pokemon is Mawile, and we're both bi! Over my Winter Break, you were one of two reasons why I told myself to be proud of my sexuality, and why I won't let people step on me for it anymore!! I'm glad we're friends, so, thanks for being my friend!
Jan 5, 2014 by Blake
Thanks mawile and sorry for saying that i just dont want to dissapoint my opponent by being weak
Jan 5, 2014 by Lorna Shore
Jan 4, 2014 by Pahff
Oh, BTW: I do have a Mawile named Sassy! She's on my Pokémon Ruby! :3
Jan 3, 2014 by Crashkid
Mawile, that RP idea is Genius!
Jan 3, 2014 by Crashkid