PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Syl ™ (page 60)

Delta Lillie!
I love that name! Lillie is adorable! :)
Feb 2, 2020 by Gau
search up "this is for Rachel meme"
Jan 30, 2020 by CC ☽
that's it LORI
This is for Rachel you big poo poo cat fish why you took me off the mother trucking schedule with your trifling ass Oompa Loompa Ima go there and beat the luck out of you sis
(tik tok meme in my words)
Jan 26, 2020 by CC ☽
send me a pm when your ready. :P
Jan 26, 2020 by Staka~
you should still get your own team. Since I won't know your team, you'd have a better chance at winning :P
Jan 26, 2020 by Staka~
The next best times are right now if you can, or between 7 PM to 9 PM in your time. :P
Jan 26, 2020 by Staka~
I don't know if coping teams would be allowed. It also reveals what our (well, more like my) strategies may be like in future fight. As for that timing, it is past midnight in my time, so I'd probably not be able to make that. :P
Jan 26, 2020 by Staka~
Jan 25, 2020 by CC ☽
Can you do any time today? Tomorrow, I have service from 3 PM to 6 PM your time, and then have to work from 10:00 PM to 2 AM in your time, so if you want to fight tomorrow, it'd have to be then. I can pretty much meet you most times between now and midnight in your time today, so long as you show up. :P
Jan 25, 2020 by Staka~
What time this weekend? I want to make sure I won't miss when your on. :P
Jan 24, 2020 by Staka~