PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Syl ™ (page 85)

Oof, some unknown said 'Hello, Sir! (tfrick) You won 500.000 (or just 500 forgot) USD!'.
2. I'm pretty sure the sender got my number in the text, and I'm pretty sure it was the same so it couldn't be a typo.
Nov 24, 2018 by Syl ™

You could find out if you have MB, by pressing the windows key on your computer. And then you just search Malwarebytes in the search bar. If your computer doesn't say Malwarebytes is a "Desktop app", then you don't have it. Another way to search for apps (and possibly viruses if you have one that's a program) is to open the control panel and click "uninstall a program" (but, don't uninstall anything, unless you know what you're doing). By going to this part of your computer you can search for every installed program on your computer and choose to uninstall them or just look at them (except stuff like Windows defender, Photos, etc.).

Just a little quick tutorial for ya.
Nov 22, 2018 by Azelfeo
Never delete System32, you'll brick your computer. Also, do you use Malwarebytes for your computer?
Nov 22, 2018 by Azelfeo
Yeah... Let's just say LGPE is 50% good, and 50% bad.
Nov 22, 2018 by Azelfeo
Hi to you too.
Nov 22, 2018 by sandshrew-bot
I do my best :)
Nov 22, 2018 by Fizz
I've come to a conclusion. If I had a Switch, I'd get Let's Go Eevee, just for Eevee.
Nov 21, 2018 by Azelfeo
I don't know what to say other than: Haha, okay.
Nov 21, 2018 by Azelfeo
Yes, though I don’t see a need to hide that question.
As time has gone on, my preference for closed threads has become to remove only those that actively detract from the quality of the site. If we’re speaking of a resolved thread with decent responses, I’m quite happy to keep it around even if it’s technically a duplicate question.
Nov 21, 2018 by Fizz
Those are some interesting spoilers you got there.

Just a little further and you'll have 1,000 points :O!
Nov 21, 2018 by Azelfeo