PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for SylveonIsEvil (page 22)

May 25, 2016 by ray
I dun have social medias (save for Skype and Google+)
May 25, 2016 by Felix⠀
Well, nt for fun. Thomas Wayne kills only the worst criminals. By chucking them off a building over the alley where his family died. It's pretty dark and awesome.

I think Zoom will come back as this guy: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/0/02/Black_Flash_001.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120226085353
May 25, 2016 by Toucanadian
XD I've read a few of "Series of unfortunate Events"
May 25, 2016 by Neon Snivy
Sshshshsh that doesn't matter
May 25, 2016 by ray
Phan > Louan
May 25, 2016 by ray
Thomas Wayne is Bruce Wayne's (Batman's) father. In Flashpoint, instead of Bruce becoming the Batman when his mother and father bite it, Thomas becomes the Batman because his wife and son bite it. And he kills people. He's pretty freakin' sweet.

And I think the next season will be Barry trying to A) get his speed back if he loses it and B) convince Wells and Cisco/Reverb etc. to help him get fast enough to go back in time and stop himself.

Do you think Zoom is dead? I don't.
May 25, 2016 by Toucanadian
I don't have imgur account :(
May 25, 2016 by Felix⠀

Um... try putting this in the URL box?file:///Users/lstchur/Desktop/Screen%20Shot%202016-05-24%20at%208.14.15%20PM.png
May 25, 2016 by Felix⠀
Literally caught your comment 9 seconds after you posted. Are you big into the Flash comics? Because there's one really famous one called Flashpoint, where Barry goes back in time and saves his mother. Long story short, it alters all of history. Here are some major changes:

- Barry doesn't have the Speedforce
- Batman is Thomas Wayne; Bruce was killed in the alleyway
- Wonder Woman and Aquaman are at war, tearing Europe apart
- Hal Jordan never becomes the Green Lantern
- Superman landed in Metropolis (levelling most of it) instead of Smallville and is kept in an  
   underground government facility

They can't do that in this show, obviously, but when past Flash vanished I'm pretty sure it means that Season 3 is going to be loosely based off of Flashpoint.

Also RIP Jelly :(
May 25, 2016 by Toucanadian