PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for Torym (page 2)

the redvf is a filler i didnt feel like typing filler :P
Nov 14, 2015 by a creepy stalker
Hey Torym, I would prefer if you called me Psychic over X, but eh, doesn't matter much. As to why I hid your post, I only saw one question (Comparison between mechanics of EoS and GTI) that can be legitimately answered, the others either being opinionated or unanswerable at the time. It would be preferred to steer clear from unanswerable questions such as these until the content is officially released, as it clogs the 'Unanswered' tab, and literally no one can answer the questions at the time. You can re ask/edit(if you remind me) your question with the unanswerable info when the content is released, but now I believe your post is breaking the rules for the reasons stated.

Hopefully you understand, and sorry for hiding the post, I know you put much effort into it.
Nov 14, 2015 by PsychicX1
Check your wall Snorlax!
Nov 5, 2015 by Torym
Hey, i play MH4U, im only rank 4 tho, i would like to play with you
Nov 4, 2015 by Mr Snorlax
meh id never give a crap if someone was rude to me :P
and the secret is a secret :P
get on showdown and ill tell you thru PM bc no one else should know
Oct 30, 2015 by a creepy stalker
Bruh. Don't dis the Bulbapower XD
Oct 30, 2015 by Toucanadian
Woot woot (/•0•)/
Oct 29, 2015 by Toucanadian
I like the new profile photo
Sep 19, 2015 by Doge