PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User eee01

Member for: 4 years (since Nov 4, 2020)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
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Posting on user walls
Gender: Male
Country: Canada
Favorite Pokémon: Shuckle, Kyogre / Primal Kyogre, Marshadow, Skarmory, Metagross / Mega Metagross, Mudkip line, Rayquaza / Mega Rayquaza, Reshiram, Togepi line. Currently getting a lot more attached to Mega Gengar.
Friend Codes: Showdown! name: eee01 and 626 hhah
About me: I play in Showdown competitively. Main formats I play are Gen 8 OU, Gen 8 National Dex AG, Gen 8 National Dex, Gen 8 Anything Goes, Gen 8 Ubers, and also VGC 2021 Series 9 until I can make an actual good team on cartridge :P

Activity by eee01

Score: 168 points (ranked #845)
Questions: 0
Answers: 13 (3 chosen as best)
Comments: 43
Voted on: 19 questions, 145 answers
Gave out: 163 up votes, 1 down vote
Received: 10 up votes, 1 down vote

Wall for eee01

This user has disallowed new posts on their wall
Is skarma'd your alt? If so why it's locked?
May 22, 2021 by Tensa Zangetsu
Mar 15, 2021 by Stephwheel8
Hey, welcome to PokeBase. The account linked below has been blocked because the website indicates it is connected to yours, and we don't allow people to have multiple accounts. https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/rmt/user/Dudicolo
If the account belongs to somebody else, then you should have a read of the following thread: https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/meta/12184/
We'll unblock the account if you can let us know what's happening with it, using that thread or otherwise. Thanks for reading.
Nov 26, 2020 by Fizz
You do realize you can only Mega Evolve one thing so the rest are just holding useless items, right?
commented 3 days ago by eee01

Oh thanks I realised it when I recently used 2 Legendries in NatDex but it didn't show that the second one could mega evolve as it is holding its Mega Stone. Then I got it. (I didn't play gen 6  or above games to know this)
Nov 19, 2020 by ~BlazeFreeze~
I'm a bit late but welcome to Pokebase
Nov 13, 2020 by Iridacea