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I have heard of the masuda method and I want to know how to do it. ive heard you can get shinies faster that way, and I'm on a big shiny Magby hunt. can you tell me how to do it please?


2 Answers

5 votes
Best answer

The Masuda method, also known as Masuda's method (Japanese: 国際結婚
international marriage), is a fan-made term which describes a way to
obtain Shiny Pokémon more easily in Generation IV and V. Rather than
encountering Shiny Pokémon with a probability of 1/8192, the Masuda
method lets players breed Pokémon of differing real-world geographical
origin with a 1/1639 (Generation IV) or 1/1366 (Generation V)
probability of being Shiny upon hatching.

And how to do it:

The key to using the Masuda method is not to breed any two Pokémon,
but to breed two Pokémon created in games of different countries. An
Egg resulting from such a pairing will have a higher likelihood of
being Shiny. The most common way to arrange such a pairing is to use
one foreign Pokémon and one from the game in which the breeding
occurs, although the method will work in any game provided at least
one of the Pokémon in the pair is from a country different to the
country of the game cartridge. If both Pokémon are foreign to the
cartridge but are both from the same country, then the Masuda method
will not take effect. Foreign language Pokémon obtained via in-game
trades, such as the Meister's Foppa and Lt. Surge's Volty, are treated
as being from the same country as the game, because they are generated
in the same cartridge, so they cannot be bred with another Pokémon
from the same country for the Masuda method. In Generation IV, if the
Masuda method is in effect, so both parents come from different
countries, the Everstone will fail to increase the chance of passing
on a nature.

In simpler terms, breed 2 foriegn Pokemon together to get a higher chance with hatching Shinies.


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aww fancy answer gonna do more xD
Sorry, man xD
hey whatever +1
so i got a japanses haxorus i breed it with a ditto it would have a higher chance?
yes thats right
yay shiny axew :]
I want a shiny Caterpie! I have a Butterfree from Spain and I am trying to find a Caterpie in my game so I can get a shiny! :D
0 votes

Use 2 Pokemon of opposite countries

for example
French ditto
Japanese dragonite

breed, and get a higher shiny rate
