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5 votes

So who are the top VGC Players in the World? The top American? Top Japanese? Top European?

what do u mean by VGC?
It's a doubles format.
And the answer is me ofc xD

1 Answer

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Video Game Tournaments 2011 - 2013


Junior Division
Ian McLaughlin (US)
Sassan Nowshiravani (US)
George Langford (GB)
Brendan Zheng (US)
Sarah Lakehal (FR)
Fabrizio Sanseverino (IT)
Brian Hough (US)
David Alonzo Gomez (ES)

Senior Division
Sejun Park (KR)
Enosh Shachar (US)
Nicola Gini (IT)
Kamran Jahadi (US)
Jeremiah Fan (US)
Shota Yamamoto (JP)
James Green (GB)
>Brandon Mitchell (US)

Masters Division
Wolfe Glick (US)
Ray Rizzo (US)
Matt Coyle (US)
Daniel Nolan (GB)
Albert Bos (ES)
Ruben Puig Lecegui (ES)
Matteo Gini (IT)
>Francesco Pardini (IT)

Ok so those are the top ten in their respective age groups. Source
Here is a Link to the winners, and the Countries they came from.


Here are the winners for the 2012 Pokemon world championships in there respective categories,
2012 Masters Division Pokémon Video Game World Champion: Ray Rizzo (USA)
Runner Up: Wolfe Glick (USA)
2012 Senior Division Pokémon Video Game World Champion: Toler Webb (USA)
Runner Up: Jaime Martinez Alonso (Spain)
2012 Junior Division Pokémon Video Game World Champion: Abram Burrows (USA)
Runner Up: Brian Hough (USA)

Source for 1st place
Source for 2nd place


There is currently a 2013 tournament that is about to start. Source. So the 2013 tournament standings are not yet released nor have they started yet.

Trading Card Game Tournament, 2011-2013


Masters Division Champion: David Cohen (US)
Masters Division Runner-Up: Ross Cawthon (US)

Senior Division Champion: Christopher Kan (Australia)
Senior Division Runner-Up: Marco Facchin (Italy)

Junior Division Champion: Gustavo Wada (Brazil)
Junior Division Runner-Up: Kohei Takenaka (Japan)



Junior 1st: Shuto Itagaki (JP [Japan] )
Runner-Up: Ian Robb (US)

Senior 1st: Chase Moloney (CA [Canada :)] )
Runner-Up: Colter Decker (US)

Master 1st: Igor Costa (PT [Not sure where PT is])
Runner-Up: Harrison Leven (US)

Source for Junior
Source for Senior
Source for Master


The 2013 TCG tournament will be held in Vancouver, BC, Canada. A three day event, this news was released at the end of the 2012 TCG tournament in Hawaii. This will be the first time the tournament is held outside of the US.

Btw, I live in BC, Canada xD. Though not Vancouver.


edited by
Thank you Mr. K for not only relieving me of researching myself, but going above and beyond with a thorough, well-written answer.
And yes, I meant the Video Game Tournaments. Thx again.
No problemo. Just one more thing to edit ^.^

EDIT: Ok it is now...complete *bows*
Thx Erick :)
wow i knew that j-wittz /josh would be in der but i gess not
@Fennekin: You wouldn't happen to be Smogon's WisherWisherWish would you?
I was about to beat Brendan Cheng, but then he use skill swap between my conk and his cresselia.