PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
0 votes

2 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

41 Pokemons. To find out which ones, scroll all the way down to the bottom of this list.

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Beat me by 5 seconds :P
Lol, i'm too Quick Attack for you :P
But who will get best answer? Only time will tell!
Thanks to both of you! (5 seconds was the deciding factor)
4 votes

There are quite a few, mainly ledrenderys.

  1. Articuno
  2. Moltres
  3. Zapdos
  4. Mewtwo
  5. Suicune
  6. Entei
  7. Raikou
  8. Luga
  9. Ho-Oh
  10. Beldum
  11. Metang
  12. Megagross
  13. Regirock
  14. Registeel
  15. Regice
  16. Latias
  17. Latios
  18. Rayquaza
  19. Jirachi
  20. Dioxys
  21. Uxie
  22. Mesprit
  23. Aself
  24. Heatran
  25. Regigigas
  26. Giratina
  27. Cresselia
  28. Manaphy
  29. Darkrai
  30. Arceus
  31. Victini
  32. Cobalion
  33. Terrakion
  34. Virizion
  35. Thundurus
  36. Tornadus
  37. Landorus
  38. Kyurem
  39. Keldeo
  40. Melloetta
  41. Genesect

Sources: Bulbapedia
