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i have been trying to find a lileep and I need a root fossil.

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3 Answers

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Best answer

>In Black and White, a Worker in the Ice Rock room of Twist Mountain hands out a random Fossil from previous generations, including the Root and Claw Fossils, once per day. If brought to the Nacrene Museum, the Root and Claw Fossils can be regenerated into Lileep and Anorith, respectively.

Source: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Root_and_Claw_Fossils

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You have to go to twist mountain. At the bottom of the mountain a worker will daily give you a fossil, except for the plume and cover fossil. Just go there everyday and one day he will give you a root fossil

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In twist mountain with the room where there is a gaint ice block, in the tunnel there is a man that will give you a random fossil each day. You just have to get lucky and get the one you want.
