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I have no idea. I've played Black and 2 and never came across them!
Who are they?!


2 Answers

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Yancy and Curtis are caracter that whne you finish a sidequest with them will trade you Pokemon with hidden abilitys!And if your playing as the boy itll be Yancy but if you are playing as the female protagonist itll be Curtis.And to comeplete their sidequest you need to get the dropped item in Nimbasa City and then Curtis/Yancy will call you for the first time,then afterwards you just need to call them 10 times by standing on a certain tile and youll automaticly get a call from them.There and 50 possible tiles that you can step on to triger the call but only 10 is requiered to triger the second half.But after steping on 10 of the possible 50 tiles they will tell you that theyll be waiting at the fairys wheel in Nimbasa City then after riding the fairys wheel with the you will have to go to sertain location and check your Xtransever and then there should be a little bar on the side witch will indica you can scroll downards to view Yancy's/Curti's name and then just call 50 times(if I recall corectly) and then just meet them at the farys wheel.And after a romantic ride theyll trade with you so make sure you have one Pokemon that you would like to trade

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...Okay, got it. Thanks!
1 vote

Yancy/Curtis are characters in Black2/White2 that the player first encounters after you pick up the Dropped Item (Xtransceiver) in Nimbasa City. Upon obtaining the item, Yancy/Curtis calls it and identifies themselves as the owner of the lost Xtransceiver, and asks the player to hold onto it. If the player if female, the owner will be Curtis, and if the player is male, the owner will be Yancy.

After the initial call, Yancy/Curtis will call again when the player steps on particular tiles in the game. Each tile will be triggered only once. These are the following tiles:

Nimbasa City (behind the Battle Institute)
Driftveil City (on top of the northern hill, below the Worker guarding the Clay Tunnel entrance)
Lentimas Town (on the path behind the northern house towards the hill with the Fire Stone)
Mistralton City (on the southern half of the runway, in the center of the lane)
Undella Town (southwest corner, up the stairs and between the two boulders)
Lacunosa Town (under the bridge in the center of town)
Route 5 (on the other side of the southern fence, towards the Hyper Potion)
Route 6 (just above the two shortcut ledges on the south end of the route, east side of the stream)
Route 7 (on the path between the Pokémon Breeder and the southern house)
Route 9 (to the left of Shopping Mall Nine, near the L-shaped bush)
Route 11 (in front of the truck, between it and the stream)
Route 12 (on the highest hill, down-left most square)
Route 13 (on the south beach, between the running Ace Trainer and the Fisherman on a sandy corner by the water's edge)
Route 14 (towards the Abundant Shrine, on top of the waterfall with a small square of land on the right, west of the Backpacker)
Route 16 (west side of the route, south of the Depot Agent and north of the male Cyclist, middle of the road)

After the 10th call from Yancy/Curtis, the player can return the Xtransceiver to Yancy/Curtis in Nimbasa City. After returning the Xtransceiver, the player can freely call them if the player is in one of the called locations above, without the requirement of being in the specific tile.

After the 30th call, the player may join Curtis/Yancy in a ride at the Ferris Wheel in Nimbasa. From then on, after the first call of every next day, Curtis/Yancy will ask the player for a Ferris Wheel ride. If the player has entered the Hall of Fame, they will offer to trade a Pokémon after the ride.

Pokémon traded from them have Hidden Abilities, are at level 50, and have no predetermined nature, gender, or individual values. It is possible to receive multiples of the same species.

Yancy can trade:
- Meowth with Rare Candy
- Wobbuffet with Ragecandybar
- Ralts with Lava Cookie
- Shieldon with Old Gateau
- Rhyhorn with Rare Candy
- Shellos West with Old Gateau
- Mawile - Lava Cookie
- Spiritomb with Old Gateau
- Snorlax with Rare Candy
- Teddiursa with Ragecandybar
- Spinda with Lava Cookie
- Togepi with Ragecandybar

Curtis can trade:
- Mankey with Rare Candy
- Wobbuffet with Ragecandybar
- Ralts with Lava Cookie
- Cranidos with Old Gateau
- Rhyhorn with Rare Candy
- Shellos East with Old Gateau
- Sableye with Lava Cookie
- Spiritomb with Old Gateau
- Snorlax with Rare Candy
- Phanpy with Ragecandybar
- Spinda with Lava Cookie
- Togepi with Ragecandybar

After the 50th call, a co-worker will accidentally pick up the Xtransceiver and reveal Curtis in his work outfit, while in the 50th call for Yancy, she will accidently answer the call herself, get embarrassed to be seen in her work outfit, and hang up. She will later lie and say her coworker answered.

Source 2

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