I'll list the more popular/ common users of priority moves in NU.
Aqua Jet
- Samurott
- Floatzel
Sucker Punch
- Kangaskhan
- Arbok
- Cacturne
- Purugly
Fake Out
- Kangaskhan
- Purugly
Bullet Punch
- Machoke (Eviolite)
- Metang (Eviolite)
- Sneasel
Ice Shard
- Sneasel
- Piloswine (Eviolite)
- Lapras
Mach Punch
- Gurdurr (Eviolite)
Quick Attack
- Swellow
Extreme Speed
- Dragonair (Eviolite)
And Liepard's Prankster, which gives it +1 to any non-attacking moves.