PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Flinging a berry
Natural Gift
If you eat the berry and then the opponent uses embargo and then you use recycle
If you Copycat or Mimic Recycle
Sleep Talked, Metromoned, or Assist?
You eat the berry, switch out, switch back in, and use recycle?

Btw, are there any berries that you cant recycle?


2 Answers

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Best answer

Recycle allows the user to regain a held item, such as a Berry, once it has been consumed. Consumed items are not forgotten when the Pokémon is switched out. Recycle can recover items consumed by Bug Bite, Fling, Natural Gift, and Pluck, but not items lost by Thief, Covet, Trick, Switcheroo, or Bestow.
Recycle can recover items consumed that were originally another Pokémon's, but transferred to the Pokémon with Recycle via Thief, Covet, Trick, Switcheroo, Bestow, or Pickpocket.

It would work with Fling, and Natural Gift, and Trick depends. if it is was Tricked to you and you lose the item though another method that's not Trick, you can Recycle it back, but not if you're trying to Recycle the item that was tricked to the opponent.
And also you can recycle all berries.

The target is unable to use its held item and the Trainer is also unable to use items on that Pokémon for five turns. The effect wears off if the Pokémon switches out.

I think you can get the item back, but not use it.

If you use Recycle through Sleep Talk, Metronome, Copycat, Mimic or Assist it will work.

Yep, you can use Recycle to gain your item when you switch out.

Hope I helped! :)

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>Recycle allows the user to regain a held item, such as a Berry, once it has been consumed. Consumed items are not forgotten when the Pokémon is switched out. Recycle can recover items consumed by Fling and Natural Gift, and but not items lost by Thief, Covet, Trick, Switcheroo, or Bestow. Recycle will also fail if the item is collected by a Pokémon with Pickpocket.
Recycle can recover items consumed that were originally another Pokémon's, but transferred to the Pokémon with Recycle via Thief, Covet, Trick, Switcheroo, Bestow, or Pickpocket. However, a Pokémon may only have one consumed item at a time; if a Pokémon consumes an item, obtains another and consumes it, the original consumed item cannot be restored, even if the second item is restored and swapped away.

That should answer the trick/natural gift/fling/switching part :P
And I think copycat/mimic/sleep talk/metronome/assist on Recycle would have the exact same affect. Providing you have consumed an item and stuff.
