Queso the title may be a bit confusing so I'm gonna sum this up.
So the only 5th gem game I have right now is Pokemon White (not 2) because my frakin Labradoodle chewed up Black 2 to nothing (#don'tleavegamesonyournightstand). I would like to play wifi so I can play with some of the new users who don't have Showdown. That said, is White "up-to-date" to where I can play against users who use newer Pokemon like Landorus-T or the other Therians?
For example: Ben challenges me to a battle and he is using Landorus-T on his Black 2 team (I use Ben, as one of his favorite Pokemon in Lando-T) will it either
a.) Show up on my screen
b.) Have the same ability activate (Intimidate) and the same stats (145 Base Attack as opposed to 125)?
Get it? Great. He/she who answers correctly will receive BA and an upvote.