Kanto Starters (Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle)

>The second batch of Starters you will find are the Pokémon whom trainers start with when they begin the journey in Kanto. In Heart Gold & Soul Silver, these Pokémon are obtained by visiting Professor Oak after you have obtained all 16 Badges and defeating Red. He will compliment you on your success and provide you one of these Pokémon. As with all starters, they will be at Level 5. -Serebii
Hoenn Starters (Torchic, Treecko and Mudkip)

>The third & final batch of Starters you will find are the Pokémon whom trainers start with when they begin the journey in Hoenn. In Heart Gold & Soul Silver, these Pokémon are obtained by visiting Steven Stone in Silph Co. in Saffron City after you have defeated Red. He will compliment you, ask you what colour stone you'd pick and then provide you one of these Pokémon based on the colour. As with all starters, they will be at Level 5.