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IV breeding is a tiring chore, I'd rather EV train magikarp 5x than do the Pokemon breeding process. But now I heard destiny knot can pass down IV's perfectly. So if I make a ditto with 5-6 or so perfect IV's, can I essentially NEVER have to IV breed ever again?

Anything else I should know, tricks, tips for gen VI? If I'm correct in the above statement, this ditto will become a literal life saver.

Thank you!

just curious, but did you just misclick when selecting the tags, because Destiny Bond and Destiny Knot are completely unrelated

1 Answer

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Best answer

Unfortunately, it doesn't quite work like that. The Destiny Knot passes on 5 IV's from either parent. So this means you could get those 5 perfect IV's from your Ditto, but you are more likely to get a mix of great IV's from the Ditto and really crappy IV's from the other parent. It doesn't matter which Pokemon you have holding the Destiny Knot, the IV's given are a mix from both parents.


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OH WELL.... I never cared for "perfect" pokemon anyway but ............ these new mechanics are neat regardless..... thank you MeloettaMelody! oh and happy IV breeding uvu
Oh I get it I was wondering why I was only getting 2 or three IVS passed down