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As in, are there Pokemon that can only be found in Hordes?


1 Answer

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Yes. They are:

  • Scraggy - XY versions (Route 5)
  • Hoppip - XY versions(Route 7)
  • Taillow - XY versions (Route 8)
  • Wingull - XY versions (Routes 8, 12, and Azure Bay)
  • Zangoose - Y version (Route 8)
  • Seviper - X version(Route 8)
  • Yanma - XY (Route 10)
  • Nosepass - XY (Route 10)
  • Nidoran♀ - XY (Route 11)
  • Nidoran♂ - XY (Route 11)
  • Starly - XY (Route 11)
  • Mareep - XY (Route 12)
  • Ekans - XY (Route 14)
  • Bellsprout - XY (Route 14)
  • Murkrow - XY (Routes 15 and 16)
  • Geodude - XY (Route 18, Terminus Cave - 1F, 2F, B2F Left Terminus Cave - 2F, Right Terminus Cave - B1F, Victory Road - Rooms 1, 2, 3, and 4)
  • Arbok - XY (Route 19)
  • Gligar - XY (Route 19)
  • Sudowoodo - XY (ROute 20)
  • Swablu - XY (Route 21)
  • Mime Jr. - XY (Reflection Cave 1F, B1F, B2F, B3F)
  • Smoochum - XY (Frost Cavern 1F, 2F, 3F)
  • Vanillite - XY (Frost Cavern 1F, 2F, 3F)
  • Cubchoo - XY (Frost Cavern 1F, 2F, 3F)
  • Aron - X (Terminus Cave 1F, 2F Left, 2F Right, B1F, B2F)
  • Larvitar - Y (Terminus Cave 1F, 2F Left, 2F Right, B1F, B2F)

Serebii (Basically I looked up the locations of every Pokemon to see if they were found only in Hordes)

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sounds like a lot of work good job
ugh you beat me to it
Good job, thank you so much!