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I used it against Calem/Serena's Clefable in Y, and it's been over three turns and nothing has happened. I tried using it again, but then it failed. Why isn't Leech Seed working? Is it because of Clefable's ability, whatever that may be?

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It could have the ability protean which changes a Pokemon's type depending on what move it uses like if chansey used a grass type move, it changes to a grass type Pokemon and leech seed doesn't affect grass type Pokemon or it could have magic bounce which sends moves like swagger or leech seed back to the Pokemon that used that move. It could've also used magic coat which would send leech seed back at you like magic bounce.
Hope this helps.
There's all the obvious things like Magic Coat/ Bounce etc., but all things considered, are you sure that Leech Seed didn't just miss 3 times in a row & you were just really unlucky?
Chansey doesn't get Protean or Magic Bounce.
it may be just a once glitch
whatever it is thats weird
No, it didn't say that it missed
Yep. And it's not like the move missed, either. The attack did go through.
I wouldn't worry about it. If this happens frequently than you should call Nintendo. It probably won't occur again
Ok, I'll battle Chansey again and see what happens.
I don't know why I'm thinking this but I think that your pokemon may be some kind of hack. I am probably wrong though
I doubt my Pokemon's a hack, it's one of the first I caught in the game. I didn't use a cheat or receive it in a trade.
Has this problem ever happened again?
I haven't rebattled it yet. I'll let you know when I do.
Alright. After you battle it let me know what happened k
All right :)
I'm sorry for the unhelpful anwser :(

1 Answer

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Best answer

Calem/Serena's Clefable ability is Magic Guard meaning it only takes damage from attacks. Moves like Leech Seed, Toxic, Will-o-Wisp, etc. will not do any damage to it whatsoever.

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