PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
1 vote

For example, it can cure paralysis, change the battle text(bonus question: What are all the possible messages?), and make critical hits land more easily.


2 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

> Elevated chance of critical hits.
> Elevated chance of avoiding attacks.
> Extra Experience gain.
> Shaking off status conditions. (Albeit Freeze)
> Attacks doing extra damage.
> Enduring attacks that could otherwise make it faint and surviving with 1 HP. [(Source)][1]

Exact percentages aren't known, but effects occur more often at Affection Level 5 than Affection Level 4.

Possible messages:
2 Hearts:
(Pokémon) is reassured by (Trainer)'s familiar scent.
(Pokémon) seems a bit excited.
(Pokémon) seems a little out of it...
(Pokémon) can't wait to begin.

3 Hearts:
(Pokémon) is awaiting 's directions...
(Pokémon) seems to be interested in the other Pokémon's scent...
(Pokémon) is remembering the first time it met (Trainer)...
(Pokémon) seems curious about what is going on around it.
(Pokémon) is reassured by (Trainer)'s familiar scent.

4 Hearts:
(Pokémon) is awaiting (Trainer)'s directions...
(Pokémon) is looking at (Trainer) with trusting eyes!
(Pokémon) is bursting with enthusiasm for battle!
(Pokémon) and (Trainer) are breathing in perfect sync with one another!
(Pokémon) trusts (Trainer) to come up with the best strategy!

5 Hearts:
(Pokémon) is awaiting (Trainer)'s directions...
(Pokémon) is looking at (Trainer) with trusting eyes!
(Pokémon) is bursting with enthusiasm for battle!
(Pokémon) and (Trainer) are breathing in perfect sync with one another!
(Pokémon) turned back towards (Trainer) and nodded in understanding!
(Pokémon) seems curious about (Trainer)'s bag...
(Pokémon) trusts (Trainer) to come up with the best strategy!

3 Hearts and above also says the message "Go on, (Pokémon)! I know you can do it!" when switching in, "That's it! I knew you could do it" when hitting with a super-effective move, and "Come on back, (Pokémon)! You did great out there!" when recalling it.

Source: Above Link
[1]: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pokemon_Amie#Affection_effects

selected by
Wait, where's the link?
Those are adorable messages!! :o
I know right!?
http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pokemon_Amie#Affection_effects @ Slash
It says in the quoted bit as '(Source)'
2 votes

>The effects known are as follows
•Text: The introduction message, and various statements throughout battle change in context
•Critical Hit Ratio: The ratio of Critical Hits is increased
•Evasion: The Pokémon's evasion is increased
The following may be attributed to Pokémon Amie based on the visual representation, but it still isn't clear
•Paralysis: The Pokémon has a chance of healing itself from paralysis
•Sleep: The Pokémon has a chance of waking itself up
•Confusion: The Pokémon has a chance of healing itself from confusion
•Burn: The Pokémon has a chance of healing itself from burn
•Poison: The Pokémon has a chance of healing itself from poison
•Survival: The Pokémon has a chance of enduring a hit which would have knocked it out
•EXP Yeild: The Pokémon can receive a boosted amount of EXP
•Petting: If your Pokémon has max affection, you can pet it after it wins a battle by rubbing the touch screen.

Wow I is such lazy.
Serebii hax e3o?

0 hearts;
Go! <Pokémon>! What will <Pokémon> do? None
1 heart;
Go! <Pokémon>! What will <Pokémon> do? None
2 hearts;
Go! <Pokémon>! What will <Pokémon> do?
<Pokémon> is reassured by 's familiar scent.
<Pokémon> seems a bit excited.
<Pokémon> seems a little out of it...
<Pokémon> can't wait to begin. Shakes twice
3 hearts;
Go on, <Pokémon>!
I know you can do it! <Pokémon> is awaiting 's directions...
<Pokémon> seems to be interested in the other Pokémon's scent...
<Pokémon> is remembering the first time it met ...
<Pokémon> seems curious about what is going on around it.
<Pokémon> is reassured by 's familiar scent. Jumps twice

4 hearts;
Go on, <Pokémon>!
I know you can do it! <Pokémon> is awaiting 's directions...
<Pokémon> is looking at with trusting eyes!
<Pokémon> is bursting with enthusiasm for battle!
<Pokémon> and are breathing in perfect sync with one another!
<Pokémon> trusts to come up with the best strategy! Looks right
Can pet after catching or defeating another Pokémon
5 hearts;
Go on, <Pokémon>!
I know you can do it! <Pokémon> is awaiting 's directions...
<Pokémon> is looking at with trusting eyes!
<Pokémon> is bursting with enthusiasm for battle!
<Pokémon> and are breathing in perfect sync with one another!
<Pokémon> turned back towards and nodded in understanding!
<Pokémon> seems curious about 's bag...
<Pokémon> trusts to come up with the best strategy


edited by
Gave BA to Le Scraf  'cause he already added battle text, but it was a tough choice. +1