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1 vote

I was reading in a few places, but I never found a definitive answer. My Florges in Y knows Hidden Power, and it's Dark. Does that mean that it has perfect IVs?


3 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

Okay I'll simplify this:

No a Pokémon with Hidden Power Dark will not necessarily have "perfect" IV's.

Example: A Pokémon with the following IV's would also have Hidden Power Dark 31/27/17/5/1/9.

But yes a Pokémon that has 31/31/31/31/31/31 will have Hidden Power Dark.

Source: Experience and Knowledge.

Hope I helped :)

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Also note that the example I provided is just one example of another combination that your IV's could be to get Hidden Power Dark. There will be many more combinations.
2 votes

Consider an example Pokémon, like Pikachu with this set of IVs:
025.png Hit Points Attack Defense Speed Sp.Attack Sp.Defense
30 31 31 31 30 31
Hidden Power's type of a Pokémon with given IVs is represented by a number, calculated with this formula:

>where a,b,c,d,e,f (the "type bits") are the least significant bit of their respective IV's. If a number is odd, its least significant bit is 1, and it is 0 otherwise.
a depends on the HP IV.
b and c depend on the Attack and Defense IV's respectively.
d depends on the Speed IV.
e and f depend on the Special Attack and Special Defense IV's respectively.
This simply means that every element of the sum in the brace is the remainder of division of corresponding IV and 2, multiplied by appropriate power of 2 (20 in case of a and 25 in case of f). The sum may range from 0 (when all IVs are even) to 63 (when all IVs are odd), inclusive. It is worth mentioning that the computed sum may be easily calculated by putting its variables a,b,c,d,e,f together in reverse order and interpreting this as a number in the binary system, which then needs to be reverted to decimal system:
fedcba(2) = 32f+16e+8d+4c+2b+a (10)
The summed value is then multiplied by 15 and divided by 63, to be sure that the number representing Hidden Power Type will range from 0 to 15, inclusively (16 values in total). The calculated number is then rounded down (floor[]), which simply means that only integral part of the calculated number is considered.
The resulting number will correspond to a type as marked below.
Number Type
0 Fighting
1 Flying
2 Poison
3 Ground
4 Rock
5 Bug
6 Ghost
7 Steel
8 Fire
9 Water
10 Grass
11 Electric
12 Psychic
13 Ice
14 Dragon
15 Dark
In our example, we get:

Hit Points	Attack	Defense	Speed	Sp.Attack	Sp.Defense

0 31
1 31
1 31
1 30
0 31
HP Type = Floor[(0 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 0 + 32)*15/63] = Floor[46*15/63] = Floor[10.952] = 10, which means that our Pikachu has a Grass-type Hidden Power.

So, no a Dark-Type HP does not mean you have perfect IVs

Wow, where did you get this? This is an intense formula/explanation.
Pretty sure he copy and pasted it from Serebii. Please credit it.
1 vote


|Post-Scriptum|: try the serebii calculator to check out perfect IV Pokémons and you will see they have Hidden Power Dark.
Hope this helps!

~ Sincerely yours, Blitz of Justice.

Thanks for linking me to the X/Y one. I'll definitely use it to check out my Florges' actual IVs.
Hidden Power Dark has its calculation, but definitively:
When your Pokémon has 31 IV in each stat, then it definitively has Hidden Power {DARK}.
Having HP dark doesnt necessarily mean it has perfect IV,
But having perfect IV means it has HP dark
Look at the third comment.
You're right, but the question was
"Perfect IV -> HP dark (True/False)",
Not "HP dark -> Perfect IV (True/False)"