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Okay so apparently I have to Chain Breed 6 Pokémon before I get an Aegislash with Wide Guard... please tell me there's an easier way, if not just give me the quickest way and where I can find the Pokémon I need in X&Y.

If you guys don't mind would you tell me the locations of the Pokémon I need in order to breed Aegislash with Wide Guard in X&Y, I'll give BA to the one that includes this in their answer first :3
If you are lucky enough to visit the Pokemon World Championships this August 2014, there's a distribution for Wide Guard Aegislash.

2 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

Not 6 stages, 5.

1 - Breed It onto a male Mudkip from a female Carracosta that has learnt it at level 25.
2 - Breed it onto a male Turtwig from the Mudkip.
3 - Breed it onto a male Paras from that Turtwig
4 - Breed it onto a male Dwebble from that Paras.
5 - Breed it onto Honedge from that Dwebble.


here's a nice little flow chart for y'all:

enter image description here --> enter image description here --> enter image description here --> enter image description here --> enter image description here -- enter image description here

Where to find each Pokemon in X/Y.

enter image description hereMudkip - trade/transfer only
enter image description hereCarracosta - Rock Smash in Glittering Cave (gives you the fossil)
enter image description hereTurtwig - trade/transfer only.
enter image description hereParas - Bug Friend Safari.
enter image description hereDwebble - Routes 8 and 12, Cyllage City, Ambrette Town, Glittering Cave, Azure Bay (Rock Smash) and the Rock Friend Safari.
enter image description here Honedge - Route 6.

edited by
don't  you mean carracosta has to be male and mudkip female?
and including the others
2 votes

First you will need to breed a Mudkip with an Alomomola, mantine or Carracosta
After you have hatched a Mudkip with Wide Guard, breed the male offspring with a female Turtwig.
After hatching their offspring, breed a male offspring (Turtwig) with a female Paras.
After hatching their offspring, breed a male offspring (Paras) with a female Dwebble.
After hatching that offspring, breed a male offspring (Dwebble) with a female Honedge.

After all these things you should have a Wide Guard Honedge
