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There are a bunch of moves I struggle to imagine being used by Pokemon in the anime, or struggle to imagine how it is shown.

What I need is a list of episodes where these moves are used:

  • Wood Hammer (It would be better if show on a Torterra, it's easy to see the animation for a Timburr using it.)
  • Earthquake and Magnitude (haven't seen both of them, and is there a difference in the animation?)
  • Bite And Crunch (and how they're different)
  • Mega Drain and Giga Drain (and how they're different)
  • Baby Doll Eyes( don't the baby Pokemon already have those?)
  • Metronome
  • Follow Me
  • Secret Power
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2 Answers

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Best answer

Baby Doll Eyes

No Episode


Snubbull(Madame Muchmoney's) - Snubbull bites down on the opponent with its mouth and doesn't let go. - Snubbull Snobbery
![Bite Snubbull][1]
Mawile(Samantha's) - Mawile bites the opponent using the huge steel jaws on its head. - Once in a Mawile
![Bite Mawile][2]
Basculin(Cilan's) - Basculin bites down on the opponent using its powerful jaws. - A Fishing Connoisseur in a Fishy Competition!
![Bite Basculin][4]


Shinx(Angie's) - Shinx bites down on the opponent using its mouth. - If the Scarf Fits, Wear It!
![Crunch Shinx][5]
Krokorok(Ash's) - Krokorok's teeth glow white and it bites down on the opponent with its powerful jaw. - Battling the Bully!
![Crunch Krokorok][7]
Tyrunt(Grant's) - Tyrunt's teeth glow white and it bites down on the opponent with them. - Climbing the Walls!
![Crunch Tyrunt][8]


Phanpy(Ash's) - Phanpy gets on its hind legs, then brings its front legs down hard, creating an earthquake. - Love, Pokémon Style
![Earthquake Phanpy][9]
Golem(Flint's) - Golem jumps into the air. When it hits the ground, it creates an earthquake. - A Family That Battles Together Stays Together!
![Earthquake Golem][10]
Whiscash(Nero) - Whiscash jumps into the air and lands hard on the ground, making the battlefield shake. - Whiscash and Ash
![Earthquake Whiscash][12]

Follow Me

No Episode

Giga Drain

Torterra(Paul's) - The three mountains on Torterra's shell glow green, and matching energy beams extend from their tips. The beams wrap around the opponent's body, drain its energy, and then recede back into Torterra's shell when the attack is complete. - Top-Down Training!
![Giga Drain Torterra][13]
Ninjask(Paul's) - Ninjask flies in circles above the opponent for the entire duration of the attack. Its body glows green, leaving behind a turquoise trail of energy that forms a ring. Once the ring is completed, Ninjask's eyes glow red, and green static from the circle hits the opponent, draining its energy and making its body glow green. - A Real Rival Rouser!
![Giga Drain Ninjask][16]


Golem(Gary's) - Golem's body becomes outlined in a brown aura. Then, it jumps into the air and stomps on the ground, creating an earthquake. - Can't Beat the Heat!
![Magnitude Golem][17]

Mega Drain

Golbat(Mandi's) - Golbat's eyes glow yellow and it bites the opponent. - Round One - Begin!
![Mega Drain Golbat][18]
Budew(Nando's) - The bud on Budew's head glows white, and it shoots a dark green beam from its bud at the opponent. The green beam grabs the opponent, traps it inside and sucks its energy. As it does, the opponent becomes outlined in red and the beam turns red. The beam releases the opponent and goes back to Budew. Budew glows white when the beam goes back to it, and all of its injuries disappear. - Dawn of a New Era!
![Mega Drain Budew][19]
Roserade(Drew's) - Roserade sticks out its arms and releases a green beam from the flowers on its hands. - A Full Course Tag Battle!
![Mega Drain Roserade][21]


Clefairy(Multiple Wild, Multiple Wild, Whitney's, Multiple Wild) - Clefairy points its index fingers out and starts to wave them back and forth until the fingertips glow white. Clefairy then performs a random move. - Clefairy and the Moon Stone, Pikachu's Rescue Adventure, A Goldenrod Opportunity, A Real Cleffa-Hanger
![Metronome Clefairy][22]
Togepi(Misty's, Multiple Wild) - Togepi begins to wave its arms back and forth until they begin to glow white. Togepi then performs a random move. - Pikachu Re-Volts, A Togepi Mirage!
![Metronome Togepi][23]
Munchlax(May's) - Munchlax raises its hands and waves its fingertips back and forth until they start to glow white. It then uses a random move. - A Real Cleffa-Hanger
![Metronome Munchlax][25]

Secret Power

Nincada(Keanu's) - Nincada's claws glow white. Then, it raises its claws above its head and a blue orb appears. The orb turns into a blue beam and the beam is shot at the opponent. - A Three Team Scheme!
![Secret Power Nincada][26]
Bibarel(Reggie's) - Bibarel's body glow pink and multiple green tentacle-like energy appears around it. Then, similar green tentacle-like energy surrounds the opponent's body and wrap around it, causing it to fall asleep. - Lost Leader Strategy!
![Secret Power Bibarel][28]
Ursaring(Paul's) - Ursaring grabs the opponent and its body becomes surrounded in a pink aura. The opponent then glows pinkish-white, hurting it. - Chim - Charred!
![Secret Power Ursaring][29]

Wood Hammer

Abomasnow(Candice's) - The dark green part of Abomasnow's arm glows turquoise and it slams it down onto the opponent's body. - Sliding Into Seventh!
![Wood Hammer Abomasnow][30]
Tevenant(Wild) - Trevenant's claw becomes surrounded with a green aura which takes the shape of a stump. Trevenant then slams his claw down onto its opponent. - XY038
![Wood Hammer Trevenant][31]
[1]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/8/86/Madame_Muchmoney_Snubbull_Bite.png/150px-Madame_Muchmoney_Snubbull_Bite.png
[2]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/0/0e/Samantha_Mawile_Bite.png/150px-Samantha_Mawile_Bite.png
[4]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/a/a1/Cilan_Basculin_Bite.png/150px-Cilan_Basculin_Bite.png
[5]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/5/59/Angie_Shinx_Crunch.png/150px-Angie_Shinx_Crunch.png
[7]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/5/52/Ash_Krokorok_Crunch.png/150px-Ash_Krokorok_Crunch.png
[8]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/a/a0/Grant_Tyrunt_Crunch.png/150px-Grant_Tyrunt_Crunch.png
[9]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/1/1c/Ash_Phanpy_Earthquake.png/150px-Ash_Phanpy_Earthquake.png
[10]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/e/e2/Flint_Golem_Earthquake.png/150px-Flint_Golem_Earthquake.png
[12]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/d/d4/Nero_Earthquake.png/150px-Nero_Earthquake.png
[13]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/4/48/Paul_Torterra_Giga_Drain_prep.png/150px-Paul_Torterra_Giga_Drain_prep.png
[14]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/7/7e/Paul_Torterra_Crunch_Giga_Drain.png/150px-Paul_Torterra_Crunch_Giga_Drain.png
[15]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/d/dc/Paul_Torterra_Giga_Drain_heal.png/150px-Paul_Torterra_Giga_Drain_heal.png
[16]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/3/30/Paul_Ninjask_Giga_Drain.png/150px-Paul_Ninjask_Giga_Drain.png
[17]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/e/e7/Gary_Golem_Magnitude.png/150px-Gary_Golem_Magnitude.png
[18]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/7/79/Mandi_Golbat_Mega_Drain.png/150px-Mandi_Golbat_Mega_Drain.png
[19]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/4/4e/Nando_Budew_Mega_Drain.png/150px-Nando_Budew_Mega_Drain.png
[20]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/0/0f/Nando_Budew_Mega_Drain_heal.png/150px-Nando_Budew_Mega_Drain_heal.png
[21]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/d/da/Drew_Roserade_Mega_Drain.png/150px-Drew_Roserade_Mega_Drain.png
[22]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/c/c3/Clefairy_Metronome.png/150px-Clefairy_Metronome.png
[23]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/9/92/Misty_Togepi_Metronome.png/150px-Misty_Togepi_Metronome.png
[25]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/c/cc/May_Munchlax_Metronome.png/150px-May_Munchlax_Metronome.png
[26]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/2/2f/Keanu_Nincada_Secret_Power.png/150px-Keanu_Nincada_Secret_Power.png
[28]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/9/90/Reggie_Bibarel_Secret_Power.png/150px-Reggie_Bibarel_Secret_Power.png
[29]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/8/85/Paul_Ursaring_Secret_Power.png/150px-Paul_Ursaring_Secret_Power.png
[30]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/f/f9/Candice_Abomasnow_Wood_Hammer.png/150px-Candice_Abomasnow_Wood_Hammer.png
[31]: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/f/f3/Trevenant_Wood_Hammer.png/150px-Trevenant_Wood_Hammer.png

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@Bob McFluffyKins: I would've done more but I couldn't because of the word limit but I hope I helped.
This is actually better than what I thought! Great job!
Thank you; I needed to know that I didn't type this in vain...
Is it just me or just Bite look more powerful than Crunch in the Anime?
Yes, Basculin and Mawile's bites looks more stronger than the 3 crunch''
They look like that because of the dramatic camera angles etc. The Crunch and Bite animations are the same except that for Crunch the Pokemon's teeth glow white.
1 vote

Wood Hammer
> Wood Hammer appeared in 2 episodes used by Abomasnow and Trevenant.
Candice's Abomasnow was in the episode ''Sliding Into Seventh!'' DP127.
Trevenant was in the episode ''Ohrot of the Crawling Forest!'') XY038.

Magnitude / Earthquake

Magnitude was used by Gary's Golem in the episode ''Can't Beat the Heat!'' EP270.

>Earthquake was used by Ash's Phanpy at ''Love, Pokémon Style'' EP267 / by Flint's Golem at ''A Family That Battles Together Stays Together!'' SS001 / by a Guy's Loudred at ''Exploud and Clear!'' AG066 / by Norman's Slaking at ''Balance of Power!'' AG070 / and by Nero (Whiscash) at ''Whiscash and Ash.'' AG075.

Magnitude - The user looses a ground-shaking quake affecting everyone in battle. Its power varies.
>Earthquake - The user jumps into the air and strikes the ground, sending shock waves throughout the battlefield.

Crunch / Bite
> Crunch and Bite have been in the Anime several times. Bite as used by Arbok at ''The Ninja Poké-Showdown'' EP032.
Crunch as used by Jasmine's Steelix at ''Nerves of Steelix!'' EP224.
Check the images from the anime. Crunch and Bite.

Crunch - The user crunches up the foe with sharp fangs.
Bite - The foe is bitten with viciously sharp fangs.

Giga Drain / Mega Drain
> Giga Drain as used by Paul's Torterra at ''Top-Down Training!'' DP040 and Mega Drain as used by Nando's Budew at ''Dawn of a New Era!'' DP004.

Mega Drain - The opponent is hit with a blast of energy that absorbs its HP and gives it to the user. (The bud on Budew's head glows white, and it shoots a dark green beam from its bud at the opponent. The green beam grabs the opponent, traps it inside and sucks its energy. As it does, the opponent becomes outlined in red and the beam turns red. The beam releases the opponent and goes back to Budew. Budew glows white when the beam goes back to it, and all of its injuries disappear.)

>Giga Drain - A nutrient-draining attack. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target. (The three mountains on Torterra's shell glow green, and matching energy beams extend from their tips. The beams wrap around the opponent's body, drain its energy, and then recede back into Torterra's shell when the attack is complete.)

Baby Doll Eyes
> Didn't appear in the anime. Baby Doll Eyes.

> This move has appeared in anime several times, at ''A Real Cleffa-Hanger!'' AG134 , May's Munchlax used Metronome and Clefairy, Clefable, and Cleffa.
(Clefairy, Clefable, and Cleffa call for backup, and Team Rocket is on the receiving end of a super-powerful Metronome—Solarbeam combo, with Munchlax on the assist).

Metronome - The Pokémon waves its arms back and forth until they glow. The Pokémon then performs a random move.

Follow Me
> This move didn't appeared in the Anime, only at the ''In the Pokémon Adventures manga'' and ''In the Pokémon Pocket Monsters manga''.

Secret Power
> This move has already appeared in the anime several of times. At ''Chim - Charred!'' DP081 , Paul's Ursaring used Secret Power. (Ursaring grabs the opponent and its body becomes surrounded in a pink aura. The opponent then glows pinkish-white, hurting it).

>Secret Power - The user glows pink and attacks. It has an added effect that varies with environment.

If I make some mistake, tell me I will correct it.
Hope this helps!

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