PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
2 votes

If I had a Rhyhorn up against a wild Ninjask, would my likelihood of being able to run away from it be increased if I used Scary Face/Rock Polish?


1 Answer

4 votes
Best answer

Depends on the Generation.

That used to affect the chances up until Generation III.

Formula's for calculating the probability:

Gen I and II


  • A is the current Speed of the player's active Pokémon,
  • B is the opposing Pokémon's Speed divided by 4, mod 256, and
  • C is the number of times the player has tried to escape during the battle (counting the current attempt). If player's Pokémon attacks, this number is set to 0.

Other Generations


  • A is the umodified Speed of the player's active Pokémon,
  • B is the opposing Pokémon's umodified Speed
  • C is the number of times the player has tried to escape during the battle (counting the current attempt).

Hope I helped.

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This actually answers the q.
What's F?
The number that determines whether you escape or not.
Generation I and II: If F is greater than 255, the player escapes automatically.

Others: A random number is generated between 0 and 255. If that number is less than F, the player escapes.
OK, so that means in gens 3-6, it's more random weather you will escape or not?
F is the answer to the equation.
Good answer!