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I'm creating a PU team and I saw one guy using a Sneasel with Beat Up. That strategy was the best I ever seen! It was a Sneasel Adamant 252 Atk + 252 Speed with the move Beat Up.

I don't know nothing about Beat Up and how it works so I need help.
As I see in Bulbapedia, Beat Up increases if the 6 pokémons have more attack. Also Beat Up is a STAB move increasing the damage by each hit.
My team is Regigigas, Rampardos, Slaking, Gigalith, Barbacle and Sneasel, all with 252 EVs in Atk + 31 IVs Attack.

  1. What would be the Base Power of the move? Sneasel using Beat Up at first turn.
  2. What would be the Base Power of the move with Choice Band? Sneasel using Beat Up at first turn.
  3. What is the best item for use? Choice Band / Choice Scarf / King's Rock? Sneasle has already much speed, don't know if Choice Scarf would be a great idea, put reasons for the item you choiced!


I saw the Sneasel taking 20%-40% of each hit, but mine is only taking 8%-14% of each hit (normal attack [dark-move hits normal-type] and not a defensive pokémon). Why aren't the attacks doing such great damage?

Beat Up now receives STAB from Dark-type users and no longer deals typeless damage. Beat Up ignores changes to stat levels such as Swords Dance, but each strike does increase in power from Attack-boosting items like the Choice Band if held by the user. - Bulbapedia

Thanks for all people who helped!

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The best item would be a King's RocK if all your team members were alive, but since that isn't always possible, go for Choice Band with Jolly Nature on your Sneasel.

I saw the Sneasel taking 20%-40% of each hit, but mine is only taking 8%-14% of each hit (normal attack [dark-move hits normal-type] and not a defensive pokémon). Why aren't the attacks doing such great damage?

2 Answers

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Best answer
  1. Because the base power of Beat Up is determined by your other party members, there is no specific base power. I will give an example however.

The formula for calculating the base power if Beat Up is as follows:

Base power = (party member's base Attack) / 10 + 5

So let's say all of your party memebers are healthy, and all have a base 100 Attack stat.

100/10 + 5 = 15
15 x 6 = 90

Expect this number to be much lower though.

With STAB: 90 x 1.5 = 135

2.If we use the example from earlier, then with the Choice Band the base power would become 135, or 202 with STAB.

90 x 1.5 = 135

With STAB: 135 x 1.5 = 202.5

3.Sneasel is already quite fast, and if you're going to give it a Choice Band moves like Night Slash would be better than Beat Up for use. I would recommend an item like a King's Rock or Scope Lens, but King's Rock is probably the most viable, because again Night Slash works better with a Scope Lens.

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There is nothing like Flinch Rock
1 vote

Actually, a Choice Band would be worthless in this case because Beat Up uses not the attack stat, but the base attack to calculate base power. The formula is: (base attack of party member)/10 + 5. So the base power varies from party member to party member.


  1. The base power of Sneasel's attack would be 95/10 + 5 = 14.5 which ~ 14

  2. The base power with the Choice Band would be the same as without it, 14.5.

  3. In this case, Choice Scarf would be the best Item out of the three options.

Edited because the formulas were wrong, now corrected with the help of Bulbapedia.

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Beat Up now receives STAB from Dark-type users and no longer deals typeless damage. Beat Up ignores changes to stat levels such as Swords Dance, but each strike does increase in power from Attack-boosting items like the Choice Band if held by the user.

Sneasel already has to much speed, really Choice Scarf is the best option?
I think you don't really get that your speed is not very high with an Adamant Nature. Choice Scarf boosts your speed up to a good number.

If you don't want a Choice Scarf make the Sneasel Jolly and give it a Choice Band.
Night Slash would be a better option as ~Crimson~ already said.