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Oftentimes, I see people post sets like this:

Manectric@ Focus Sash
Ability: Static
EVs: something-or-other
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
- move
- move
- move
- move

What does it mean, 31/x/31/31/31/31? I know that it's a fancier way of saying "5IVs", but in what particular order are the IVs listed in? Is it something like,

31 HP/0 Atk/31 Def/31 SpA/31 SDef/31 Spe?

Do I have the order right? If I don't what is the correct order?


1 Answer

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Yes you have the correct order. Although the 'x' doesn't necessarily mean zero IVs. It just means it isn't maxed in that particular stat.

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