For a level 100 Pokemon every EV is one stat point. For example a mew's specific stat (excluding HP) is 205. 31 EVs however is 236. Let's take this mew with random IVs and calculate the stats.
Ability: Synchronize
IVs: 22 HP / 17 Atk / 0 SpA / 6 SpD / 28 Spe
As you can see the rule for IVs is every IV is one more stat point. 31 IVs is an extra 31 to a stat so on and so forth.
The things that say outstanding and those is just an overall average of the IVs. That is just the games representation of telling you the IVs even if they don't help.
TL;DR Every IV boots a stat by one and the person who judges IVs is a scam who takes every stat into account and doesn't give specifics on anything. What you have to look for is the judge feature in the PC and where you want a good stat it should say best or hyper trained.
Edit didn't read properly sry.
Source: Testing on showdown.