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0 votes

Why cant I name my Delcatty Kiki after Ruby's Kiki in the manga and my Sawk Karate?

More than likely, it is not allowed seeing as Kiki is similar to "kike", an offensive term used to refer to Jews.
You could try the alternative spelling Keki. See if that works.
What about Karate
i typed Karat and it worked
Karat is gold, not a martial art

2 Answers

5 votes

Well, I've tried entering the following:
-K (worked)
-Ki (worked)
-Kik (worked)
-Kiki (did not work)
-Kikiki (worked)

The only thing I can think of is if it is censoring it because it is similar to a swear in another language (however, I did check the censored words page and I could not find anything).


>More than likely, it is not allowed seeing as Kiki is similar to "kike", an offensive term used to refer to Jews.
commented 5 minutes ago by Sir_Mudkip

edited by
2 votes

If it is not letting you nickname them at all, they don't have your OT. If it says something like "you cannot nickname your Pokemon this." It probably thinks you are trying to cuss.

List of names that will be censored
(NOTE: The page above contains offensive language, enter at your own risk!!)
