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I need one for my team as it is majorly weak to fire but I still need a grass type. Even if it is weak to fire but can deal with fire types I'll consider it.

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1 Answer

–1 vote

the only grass types that take neutral damage from fire are the Ludicolo family, the Cradily family, and Mega Sceptile

You forgot Alolan Exeggcutor. Also, you didn't say anything that could help his case with his fire weakness, simply just listing the Pokemon without any evidence that they can help the fire weakness. He also said "Even if it is weak to fire but can deal with fire types I'll consider it.", this could also bring Torterra into the mix.
Torterra doesn't have very high speed or Sp. Def., so I wouldn't personally consider it against fire types, but If any one want's to add to my answer, they are welcome to.