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I'm playing Pokémon LeafGreen and just defeated the Nugget Bridge. The trainer at the end is a Team Rocket Grunt, I know that, but are all of the trainers? The last trainer, a camper, says that he's going to "stomp you", and one of the trainers uses an Ekans and I'm pretty sure that another one uses a Rattata, so are they members of Team Rocket as well?

They're just random trainers to bother you so the bridge wouldn't be easy to cross.

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No. Bulbapedia does not refer to them as team rocket members, but as young children. Also Team Rocket has only adult member so why would they invite children to join? And a lot of trainers have zubats, and koffings, and other siganture Pokemon of team rocket. Also him saying something about stomping you does not mean anything, btw.
