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4 votes

I was wondering if there is a way that isnt cheating that you are able to get these pokemon.

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8 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

There was a wi-fi Mew event in Japan a few weeks back, so it's possible you will get a chance in US/Europe.

I haven't heard anything about Deoxys but there are sometimes real-life events (like at the Pokemon movies) where you can pick up rare legendary Pokemon.

I post news to the front page of the site so you could keep an eye on that every week or so.

You can get Deoxeys in an event going on right now for black 2 and white 2.As for mew no event is going on right now.
3 votes

Mew and Deoxys are now obtainable without any events. Mew is contained inside the Pokeball Plus, so when connecting it to a Let's Go game you will be able to obtain Mew through mystery gift. There is only one Mew in every Pokeball Plus, not for every save game file. If you purchase a used Pokeball Plus, there is a very high chance it will not contain a Mew. Deoxys is a mandatory battle in the post-game Delta Episode of Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, after you capture Rayquaza and battle Zinnia. If you fail at capturing Deoxys, you can rematch it after defeating the Elite Four again.

1 vote

You could get Deoxys in an event in FireRed or LeafGreen...I don't remember how to get mew...sorry.

1 vote

Hacking or event.

1 vote

To get rayquaza in oras you can't catch it if you have catched rayquaza in sky towet but if you haven't get the space center ticket and goto upstairs and speak to the guys and then do their guests and then come back and speak and tten goto skytower do every guests and in up catch rayquaza and then you goto space and you see and fight deoxys

I remember you need to be champion of hoenn

1 vote

I do not know about deoxys, but you can get mew from a game on the wii from my Pokemon ranch. First you must get 999 Pokemon transferred from Pokemon diamond or pearl and you have to expand your ranch to reach there (taking 24 hours to build) then get an egg to trade with a person named Hayley on there to get the mew.

I recommend that if you have a mew from another event then do this as well so you can get a spare Pokemon you can use to bribe to get other mythical Pokemon.

And do this while you still can because my Pokemon ranch is a wii game that costs around $10 and you can get the game until january 30 2019 but you can only add the points to get the game from now until march 26th.


This video is how to make the construction go faster


If this doesn't work as a link then just copy and paste it into the search bar.

0 votes

There's actually a way to get Mew in Gen1 without using hacking, but using glitches. Doesn't mess up your game like hacking does.

0 votes

In Emerald, you need to go to the Faraway Island via event for Mew, and Aurora Ticket to get to Birth Island in FireRed and LeafGreen as well as Emerald for Deoxys.

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