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6 votes

Please help! I have an Arceus but I don't know how to change its form.


4 Answers

6 votes
Best answer

It changes form depending on what plate it is holding,

Most all of the Arceus plates can be found in the underwater ruins next to undella town, in black and white.

Thank you and I will get right to it
if you can't find ones for some certain types you want it works with z crystals
1 vote

Just give a plate
eg flame plate, splash plate, etc
type change is based on plate given
it also decides the type of judgement

1 vote

Arceus has an ability called multitype which can change it's type depending on the plate you give it. So just give it a plate that matches the type you want

0 votes

Also, if you are playing SM or USUM then multitype also reacts to type-specific Z crystals, just like if you were going to give it a plate, if would change form accordingly, but personally, I feel like plates would be better since you also get the 20% boost for judgment and moves that match the type of the plate.
