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I used the berries in Pokemon Shield to attempt reducing the certain EVs of a particular Pokemon but after I used a few I checked the hexagon and it hadnt changed at all so Im really confused on how to get a perfect EV Pokemon.

you arent the first person to note this problem, it could possibly be that the berrys are no longer the ev reduction method. either that or a bug

2 Answers

0 votes

are you not hitting X to view the EVs behind the stats? cause all the EV reduction berries work for me just fine... they require a hell of a lot more than they used to... I believe you could reduce an entire stat’s EVs to 0 with like 10 berries in previous generations. but with this gen, I needed like 20+ berries to reduce a stat that was like 2/3rd maxed out.

–1 vote

sadly it changed in this generation now the berries only directly lower the stat and do not change the EVs

this is definitely not true.