PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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I was looking at the teambuilder on Pokemon Showdown and noticed that a lot of Pokemon that were in OU were now "OU by technicality". I've only heard of OU by technicality in terms of megas, like Garchomp and Tyranitar, whose base forms were OU but mega forms didn't have enough usage in OU. However, I've never seen regular Pokemon like Electivire or Tentacruel in that limbo. I heard that past generation tiers had recently become unlocked, and that might explain why bad OU Pokemon like Electivire and Dusknoir are in there, but a lot of great OU Pokemon, like Jolteon, Shaymin, and Snorlax are in that tier, so I'm confused on what that tier is supposed to be.

Sometimes it just means that they are, as you put it, "in limbo", because they are too strong for the lower tier, but not strong enough to be used over other similar options in the higher tier.

2 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

| 37 | Hippowdon | 3.155% |
| 38 | Milotic | 3.023% |
| 39 | Aerodactyl | 2.892% |
| 40 | Weavile | 2.784% |
| 41 | Raikou | 2.730% |
| 42 | Abomasnow | 2.321% |
| 43 | Tentacruel | 2.200% |
| 44 | Shaymin | 2.007% |
| 45 | Donphan | 1.681% |
| 46 | Heracross | 1.656% |
| 47 | Snorlax | 1.566% |
| 48 | Rotom-Mow | 1.554% |
| 49 | Electivire | 1.495% |
| 50 | Vaporeon | 1.476% |
| 51 | Togekiss | 1.341% |
| 52 | Dusknoir | 1.188% |
| 53 | Jolteon | 1.113% |

The problem is that Jolteon, Snorlax, and Shaymin are not great OU Pokemon right now.

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So basically, they were OU at the end of the generation, but they currently don't have enough usage for OU?
I think that basically summarizes this situation.
2 votes

These Pokemon historically, were good, however, their usage dropped off a cliff. However, since the formats are less played, they are actually technically UU or UUBL by usage, but they don't classify based off of usage nowadays.

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But the UUBL tier also exists in Gen 4 and there are pokemon in that tier. Why aren't they there?
UUBL is for Pokemon that dropped into UU in the past and then got banned by UU players. OU by technicality Pokemon never dropped to UU and consequently never got banned to UUBL.
Yes, I never said that they were UUBL, but by usage, they WOULD be UU nowadays