PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Specifically HGSS, but any other games with the feature would be cool too. I have a score of 920 in my SS with three badges and it would be cool to know what influences that + the maximum.


1 Answer

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Best answer

In Generation IV, the Trainer Card also carries the Trainer's score. A Trainer's score offers no specific purpose in the game and appears to be only aesthetic. The score begins at zero and increases every time a score-altering event occurs.
Berry is picked DPPt +1
Battled against a wild Pokémon +2
Battled against a Pokémon Trainer +3
Pokémon Egg is hatched +7
Pokémon is traded +10
Pokémon is evolved +20
Flag is obtained in the Underground +34


It carries on going until 9,999.


Hope I could help.

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Damnit, I was hoping Shinies would impact it. Thanks
No problem