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I was fighting team Dim Sun and apparently, I needed to fight 4 Rattata and a Boss Toxicroak. The Rattata were easy to deal with but then came a Toxicroak and I was all like "Oh what can this do to me?" and laughed it off. Then I proceeded to get my butt kicked 3 times before I defeated it (yes I bad pls no bully). The main problems were the puddles of poison (which caught me off guard because I never knew when or where he would do it because apparently the stupid thing wanted to do it in different places every attempt) and the clouds of poison which just don't let me draw any loops at all cuz they keep breaking them. On top of that, the little gremlin keeps hopping around breaking my loops. I've beaten it now, because apparently I wasn't using Poke Assists properly, but I just want to know how long the attacks last.

As far as I can see i know that the poison puddles last for 6 seconds not including the charge up.
The poison cloud lasts until it reaches the edge of the screen.

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Toxicroak Hops in 3 directions every 4 seconds or after it launches an Attack, the Posion Puddles, after being launched, last for 6 seconds each. The Poison Cloud attack does damage and lasts till it reaches the end of the screen. Hope this helped.

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