PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Pokémon Database only says how to evolve Stantler in Legends but says you can evolve Stantler in Scarlet/Violet. It doesn’t describe how, though.


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How to get Wyrdeer in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Stantler cannot evolve into Wyrdeer in-game. Instead, players will need to wait for a new feature.
Wyrdeer will only become available when the Pokémon Home update is added in 2023. When it is, players will be able to transfer Wyrdeer from Pokémon Legends Arceus to Pokémon Home and then into Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.


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2023? I thought it was already out because I saw a video of one in s/v. Guess they hacked it in?