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The longest name in letters is brambleghast at 12. In words, type:null. What about syllables? I don't know the shortest names so also shortest names in syllables and letters. English only, earlier release breaks ties.


1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

Shortest in syllables: Gloom (others include Seel, Muk, Jynx etc.)
Shortest in letters: Muk (other: Mew)
Longest in syllables:
- Galarian Standard Mode Darmanitan
- Zamazenta Hero of Many Battles
- Gigantamax Urshifu Single/Rapid Strike Style
If you don't include forms, then Feraligatr (arguably Nidoran♀)
Longest in letters: Gigantamx Urshifu Single Strike Style
If you don't include forms, then Crabominable comes first
Longest in words: Zacian/Zamazenta Hero of Many Battles; Gigantamax Urshifu Single Strike Style
If you don't include forms, then Mr. Mime comes first

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