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Like, by number of letters. I know Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom is the longest, but it has 3 words.
Along that note, what's the shortest one?

The first one that came to mind was Extrasensory, which is 12 letters. I don't know if there's a longer one, though.
Edit: The most I can find so far are 12 letters, being Aromatherapy, Extrasensory, Catastropika, and Synchronoise. The shortest I could find are 3 letters, being Hex, Cut, and Fly.
You could do Z-Aromatherapy.
Also Dig for the three-letters.
Would Z moves count as 2 words?
I think the hyphen makes it one word.

2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

Longest one-word move:

  • Z-Aromatherapy

Shortest one-word move:

  • Cut
  • Dig
  • Fly
  • Hex

Hope I helped!

Source: This site’s move list.

selected by
If I missed any, please tell me, because manually reading the move list means I could have missed some. I doubt it though.
8 votes

You didn't specify English, so here are some (not all) 16-letter (not including hyphens) words in other languages :)

  • Sbrilluccibufera
  • Urtodimensionale
  • Fähigkeitstausch
  • Giga-Astrowellen
  • Gigagravitoforza
  • Schneelandschaft
  • Gigaliquefazione
  • Gigarinnovamento
  • Patati-Patattrape
  • Turbo-Spiralkombo
  • Balkkumchijjikgi (which is sort of cheating since it's not actually Korean, just the romanized version of it)

Take a guess as to what they mean!

But the REALLY long ones are:

  • Super-Wassertornado / Hyper-Sprintangriff (18)
  • Gigavolt-Funkensalve (19)
  • Psycho-Schmetterschlag (21)

Shortest would be 抓 and 啄 in Chinese, though they're not really "letters" since Chinese doesn't use an alphabet. Otherwise, there are dozens of two-letter names in Korean (Hangul).

If you only look at the Latin alphabet, there are a few other 3-letter words like "Vol" and "Ira", but none went below that.

I read through the list manually, so tell me if I missed any.


edited by
Lol this definitely deserves a BA, +1!
I'm taking a German class, so I'll gonna try to guess some. No Google translate or research or anything, just head knowledge.
Super-Wassertornado: Hydro Vortex?
Gigavolt-Funkenslave: Gigavolt Havoc?
Fähigkeitstausch: "Keit" means ability, so maybe Skill Swap or something?
Giga-Astrowellen: Psywave? Or Thousand Waves? I'm pretty sure "wellen" means wave, but otherwise, not sure.
Turbo-Spiralkombo: Storm Throw? Maybe Vacuum Wave?
Schneelandschaft: I think the literal translation is "snow land work." So maybe Blizzard? Or Hail? Or the new Snowscape? Not sure.
Psycho-Schmetterschlag: The literal translation is "psycho crush hit," or something like that. Psyshield Bash maybe? Or Iron Leaves' new move, Psyblade?