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In Glaseado mountain where Hattrem found on lakeside, even I'm boost myself with psychic encounter, Hattrem isn't appearing even in other areas that found on map in Pokedex rather than only Hatennas. But in Pokedex no saying "very rarely seen" or "rarely seen". How Hattrem appears? Also it is rarest among the all Pokemon despite the map don't says "very rarely seen"? Only I saw "Lives Around the Ponds" but my Pschic encounter power is 30 min and ends, still not finding in this area including Glaseado Mountain and Tagrree Thicket ponds.

Your either not looking in the right spot or getting unlucky. It's supposed to be found around ponds and lakes on Glaseado Mountain

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Hattrem cannot be found in the wild.
After looking online and seeing many other people not being to find it, and not being able to find one myself with an Encounter Power 3 boost for Psychic types (did find a random shiny Psyduck though), this is the conclusion I've come to. Either it wasn't supposed to appear at all, or something in the programming is causing it not to spawn, but whatever the case, it just does not appear in the wild. Of course, there are still ways to obtain one, those being:

Evolving a Hatenna
Hatenna spawns in all the places the Pokedex lists, so find one near a pond, catch it, and level it up to level 32. I find it easiest near the ponds in South Province Area 4, but the ones near the pond West of Medali spawn Hatenna around level 30. Those are a rather uncommon spawn, but with a Psychic Encounter sandwich, you should find one soon (look for Hatenna on the side with the 2 trees because they don't tend to spawn on the side closest to the wall).

Find one in a Tera Raid
Hatenna, Hattrem, and Hatterene can all be found in Tera Raids, so if you're lucky, you should find one.

So yeah, evolve a Hatenna or find one in a Tera Raid. Sorry if this wasn't the answer you were looking for, but hope I helped regardless.

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