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I planted the 5 confusion inducing recovery berries. According to Bulbapedia, they return 2-5 berries each, but there is no other information. My berry bushes returned either 3 or 4 berries (including the same berry) without me doing anything different. Are there some mechanics here I'm unaware of, or is it just random, like the 2-5 hit moves (e.g. pin missile)?

Serebii says that due to a lack of mulch in these games, you can't do anything to increase yields. Bulbapedia says BSDP berry mechanics are still unclear.


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Berries make a return in this game and come with a slight change from the originals. While you grow berries much in the same way you did before, this time there is no mulch to increase yields. Instead, all you need to do is plant the berry, water the area with the Sprayduck and wait the time for it to grow.


I'm not 100% sure but I’ve planted Wepears in a 4 patch all at the same time, with the same watering regimen and each plant yielded a number of berries between 2 and 9 (Serebii says the range is 2 and 10 but I’ve never gotten past 9). I’m not sure Soil value is present in this game, considering they only need to be watered once to get from seed to Berry.

Reddit Thread

Gray soil indicates that the soil is dry. The longer the berry tree is left in dry soil, the less berries it will produce. Soil is still good when it's dark brown, while a light brown to orange color means its on its way to drying up. If you spot a patch of soil that is orange, make sure to water it immediately in order to prevent it from drying up.


There's still not much known about the berry mechanic at this point. Some sites say watering on time impacts how many berries are grown per cycle. On the contrary, there's been people who have claimed that even when watering a bunch of berries at the same time, they each produced different amounts. At this time, it's not exactly known what impacts the amount of berries you get, other than being sure to water.

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