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I saved a snapshot of the rankings here: https://web.archive.org/web/20230609233950/https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/sv-ubers-viability-rankings.3712978/
You can come back in 2 or 3 months to see what changed.
I think the biggest victim of the new meta was Flutter Mane.  It gets absolutely wrecked by Caly outsped a lot now.  

Other mentions are probably Iron Treads losing its role, Iron Bundle took a hit due to E-Speed (I have not seen it once on high ladder).
A lot of the slower attackers (Like Chi-Yu and Gholengo) took a hit just due to Caly and Arceus

As for gained, probably Ting-Lu and Skeliredge are the biggest benefactors of Caly and Arceus being brought in.

1 Answer

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Gained the most: Ting-Lu, Skeledirge, Toxapex, Clodsire, Grimmsnarl, Dondozo, Ditto, Meowscarada
Lost the most: Chi-Yu, Chien-Pao, Flutter Mane, Great Tusk, Iron Bundle, Kingambit, Annihilape, Corviknight, Espartha, Gholdengo, Iron Treads, Walking Wake

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Meowscarada is the only surprise here. Thanks.
I think its main use was checking stuff like Chien-Pao, Great Tusk, and Iron Bundle, which also lost viability after Home was released.
Wow I don't keep up with competitive so I never knew Corviknight went down and Espartha was viable
Espathra is in Ubers lol
Reminder that "in Ubers" means broken in OU and doesn't always mean viable in the Ubers metagame. Before the DLC, Ting-Lu was much more viable than Dialga in Ubers, even though Dialga was Ubers tier and Ting-Lu was OU tier.
oh yeah I remember now