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Knock Off, Corrosive Gas, etc.

Removing the masks would be like removing a Mega Stone. Most item-exclusive forms (Rusted Sword Zacian, Mega Stones and more) don't allow you to Knock Off or steal the item that makes it change form.

3 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

Removing the masks would be like removing a Mega Stone. Most item-exclusive forms (Rusted Shield Zamazenta, Mega Stones and more) don't allow you to Knock Off or steal the item that makes it change form.

No. No form altering item can be removed from or given to a Pokémon whose form it can affect midbattle.

No Pokémon that changes form with an item can have that specific item be removed. There is no way to remove these items because they can't change form during battle, (probably) only Pokémon with specific abilities can change forms midbattle. Mega Evolutions technically change midbattle, but that still doesn't mean they can be removed.


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2 votes

Before I answer this question, I might as well type all the moves that alter a held item.

~ Bestow
~ Bug Bite
~ Corrosive Gas
~ Covet
~ Embargo
~ Fling
~ G-Max Replenish
~ Incinerate
~ Knock Off
~ Magic Room
~ Natural Gift
~ Pluck
~ Recycle
~ Stuff Cheeks
~ Switcheroo
~ Trick
~ Thief
~ Teatime

Some of these moves only work with berries, and others to me do not seem like what you are asking, so I will not be using them.

I tested all the moves that remove a held item in this reply.

The moves that do not work on the Ogerpon Mask (while Ogerpon is using them) are:

~ Bestow
~ Corrosive Gas
~ Covet
~ Fling
~ Knock Off
~ Switcheroo
~ Trick
~ Thief

So the Ogerpon masks cannot be taken/altered in Scarlet or Violet.

Hope I helped!

Source for finding all the moves

I appreciate the time and effort you spent doing this. However, Showdown! has a history of not implement all of these things correctly at first, so I wouldn’t trust it for a question like this for a while. There’s even a thread dedicated to finding these errors and implementing them correctly.

Ah ok makes sense, that is fine. Heck even if showdown wasn't like that I could still be wrong. Thanks!
If you know about the thread, why are you asking this question here instead of just asking on the thread?
This is definitely true. I asked on the thread and they said no.
If you could put that as an answer mee, that would be fine.
It would practically be the same answer anyways, but ok.
0 votes

No they don’t.
It’s like trying to remove rusted sword from zacian

Source experience

How do you know they all don’t work? You’ve used Trick, Switcheroo, Thief, Covet, Knock Off, Corrosive Gas (through Metronome), etc. on an Ogerpon? Do you know if Poltergeist affects it?
Things like acrobatics and poltergeist should work because they don't remove or change any Pokemon's held items.
But the answer is still not the most reliable, so do you want me to put the question back on the unanswered list?
It most likely is the correct answer, but the user just doesn't give enough information for this to be a good answer. Answers with one or two sentences aren't really good answers.
I believe the masks could be knocked off if Ogerpon wasn't the one wearing holding them.
Sure sumwun.