PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Basically title, but for clarification: What are all the regional Pokemon that are able to be caught in S/V for the first time via the DLC that you couldn't in the base game, e.g. kantonian tauros in the indigo disk and johtonian wooper in the teal mask that couldn't be caught in Paldea/The base game. They count as separate dex entries but some places (for example serebii) don't list them as newly returning.
Also if applicable, could Pokemon that were transfer-only before the DLC also be included?

I'm trying to make a living form dex including these regional forms but I can't seem to find a definitive list online so far.

Hope the question makes sense lol



1 Answer

1 vote
Best answer

In the Teal Mask:
-Johtonian Wooper
-White stripe basculin

In the Indigo Disk:
-Kantonian Tauros
-Alolan exeggutor
-Alolan diglett
-Alolan dugtrio
-Alolan grimer
-Alolan muk
-Alolan geodude
-Alolan graveler
-Alolan golem
-Alolan sandshrew
-Alolan sandslash
-Alolan vulpix
-Alolan ninetales
-Alolan meowth
-Alolan persian
-Galarian Slowpoke
-Galarian Slowbro
-Galarian Slowking
-Hisuian Qwilfish


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also alolan meowth/persian via salvatore's trade in bb academy?
thanks, it wasnt in the dex