PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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I know that:
- In The Teal Mask, the wild and trainer Pokemon's levels scales depending on whether you explore Kitakami before or after beating the base game stories (e.g. the first battle with Carmine is Lv. 12 before beating the game, or Lv. 60 after beating the game).
- In The Indigo Disk, the wild and trainer Pokemon's levels do not scale and are always in the range of around at least Lv. 65-75, and the first battle with Lacey is Lv. 70.

From these factors, at which points of the DLC stories that I can't progress before completing the S/V base game story?

As far as I am aware, you have to beat the base game before you can start the indigo disk

1 Answer

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You do need to complete the main story and the Teal Mask before starting the Indigo Disk. Kieran's Pokemon in the Indigo disk is a full team of level 80+ and the elite four have levels of 70+. It is always your choice when you try and fight them, but I would suggest at least 80+if not somewhere in the ninties.


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