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What is the highest level pokemon you can find in the wild that is not a legendary pokemon in black/white.


1 Answer

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Volcarona. It can be found in Relic Castle at Level 70 after beating the Elite Four.

and Politoed (Route 6), and all the water types mentioned below can be found at Level 70 by fishing/surfing in ripples.

Also, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath (Giant Chasm), Dragonair, Dragonite (Dragonspiral Tower), Seaking (Pinwheel Forest, Abundant Shrine, Striaton City, Route 11, Route 14), Whishcash (Moor of Iccuris, Route 8), Octillery, Cloyster, Wailord, Walrein (Undella Bay), Slowking, Slowbro (Abundant Shrine), Milotic, Basculin (Route 1), Lapras, Sharpedo (Village Bridge), Floatzel (Route 11, Route 14), Starmie, Kingler (Route 13), Kingdra, Lumineon (Route 17, Route 18), and Politoed (Route 6) can be found at Level 70 by fishing/surfing in ripples.

For grass, that would be Metang, Solrock, and Lunatine, which are Level 65 in the Giant Chasm's dark grass.

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