PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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When you burn a Pokémon, you have to flip to see if it does 20 damage to your opponent, if the flip is heads.
Say you have a Victini or 2 on your bench, and your opponent is burned and you flip and it is tails. Can you flip again because of Victini's ability Victory Star to try and get a heads?
And Can you flip with Victini's ability more then once? (Ie, you are flipping to see if you can add 20 more damage, and you get tails. Then you flip again because of Victory Star and its tails again. Can you flip again because you have 2 Victini's on your bench?).

Here's the Victini: http://serebii.net/card/noblevictories/014.shtml

Thanks in advance! :D

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2 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

As it says you can't use more than one Victory Star ability per turn. Plus, the burn flip is in between turns if I remember right (if not, sorry, burns were after my time). If it is in between turns then you wouldn't even be able to use Victory Star. As it says, it only works on your turn and only for attacks.

I do realize that there is an error on TCGO that makes it (Victory Star) work differently. However, for the hard-copy TCG the rules I listed above are in effect.

Okay. Thank you, Trachy.
1 vote

Here is the description:
> Victory Star
Once during your turn, after you flip any coins for an attack, you may ignore all effects of those coin flips and begin flipping those coins again. You can't use more than 1 Victory Star Ability each turn.

You can't flip for burns using Victory Star:
>Once during your turn, after you flip any coins for an attack

Burn isn't an attack, so that doesn't apply. Also, you can't flip more than once.

>You can't use more than 1 Victory Star Ability each turn.

Okay. Thank you, Mew.