It says this: You may take the exploration challenge at Marowaks Dojo or something
Where is that exactly?
Well, if your confused, Here is the scenario. Im at the title screen. I press start. Then i press "Trade Team". Then I select "Receive Team" Then it says "You have previously received the team for Team A. Then: "If you receive a new team, the existing team, Team A will be deleted. Is that OK? I click yes. How would you like to receivve the team? I click "Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection" Now it says "Please choose how you want to search for a team to fight at the Marowak Dojo. I click "Same Rank" (Master Rank) then it conncecs me to wi fi and yada yada. Now, it says A buncha non important things and it has a list of people I select Team B. Now it says "You have acquired a team" then i disconnect from WI-Fi now it saves. Then it says the thing at the top